The beginning

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Our story begins in the small town of Hage, where two women are going to a small town next to their kingdom as their Husbands held off the oncoming crowd. These two were two childhood friends. "Angel Magic, Flying charge," the woman carrying the blond child muttered and flew both of them to the church to drop them off. "Okay, this is where we leave you. Asta, Yuno," The women both said. They went to join their husbands, the battle had ended with the four dead. 

The Next Day

An old man who owned a church named Orsi Orfai was out to grab some mail when he saw two babies in a cradle. One of them was a blond-haired kid with slightly spiky hair and an overall energetic baby in a white onesie with the name Asta stitched into his onesie. The other was a baby who was calmer and also in a white onesie and was named Yuno. "Yuno and Asta eh?" Orsi said to himself. He leaned down to Asta and was kicked in the face. "A little energetic," Orsi chuckled to himself. 

Time Skip

"That looks valuable," A man said after getting thrown out a bar. He went to get a four-year-old Yuno's necklace. Yuno was keeping him away with his winds. Right as Yuno tired out, the man lunged for him. Asta just got to Yuno to check on him. He then saw the older man beating up Yuno trying to get the necklace. Asta got mad. He raised his hand and in a second, he teleported in front of the man. His fist was suddenly cloaked in fire and he punched the man in the stomach, sending him flying. "Yuno!" Asta yelled as he ran to his friend. Asta saw his best friend on the floor nearly beaten to death with his limbs twisting in the wrong direction. Asta on instinct raised his hand over Yuno, creating a bluish-purple healing barrier around the two. Asta felt his mana recover, as well as saw Yuno heal and wake up. "Asta, what happened?" Yuno said groggily as he got up. "Don't worry Yuno," Asta said with a slight grin. "I protected you and your necklace. You know what, I'm tired of being in a forgotten village where no new money or anything comes in! I am going to become the wizard king! That way, no one will be completely forgotten!" Asta said with enthusiasm. Yuno nodded. "I will become the real wizard king Asta," Yuno said with determination in his voice. "Then that makes us rivals!" Asta said. "Tight, Asta!" Yuno said. The two were filled with determination. They went back to the village since Yuno finished doing what he was sent to do(deliver a message.) 

Ten Years Later

Asta and Yuno trained in the forest for so long, they had honed the use of their own mana and the mana around them to the point they were so power full they didn't even need a grimoire. Today though, they went to the tower to get one. 

Lazy Author Time Skip to get through boring sht.

Asta and Yuno were both admiring their four leaf grimoire. Yuno's was the same as in the anime. Asta's was a light grimoire with it being colored top half red and bottom half golden, and the bounding side of the grimoire was half black and half white with both colors being next to each other. On the four leaf clover face, each leaf had one color per corner, The top right leaf being red, the bottom right being black, the top left being golden, and the bottom left being white. The two had thicc books and could use a lot of spells in it. The two had trained their magic and after sleeping in the church, saying their goodbyes, and teaching Nash how to train and become powerful without a grimoire, they left with Nash having tears in his eyes from the advice. The two were smart and flew there. They camped ten miles away from the capital and on the day before, they rented a hotel room to shower, use the bathroom, and get some sleep. 

I could do two things. Put the guy who's now quiet and not obsessed with sister lily in this fanfiction into the golden dawn, or put him in the black bulls. I am torn, what should I do? 

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