Rescuing the Children

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Asta woke up to the smell of food cooking. It smelled like an English breakfast. He came down and dropped his money on the table. "Here Rebecca! My paycheck came in, and I would give it to the church that raised me, but I figured you would need it more since you provide for your siblings on your own!" He said with a grin. Rebecca nodded and bowed her head. "Thank you so much Asta!" she said. She went up to wake up the kids when she noticed something. Marco and Luca were missing. "ASTA! LUCA AND MARCO ARE MISSING!" Rebecca said. Asta simply nodded. He teleported all over the city and Rebecca also ran around calling out for them. At the end of the day, they all were panting. The old woman nun came and asked them what happened. "Rebecca's youngest siblings are missing," Asta said. She told them how some of her kids were missing and Gauche was also there. One of the kids he lost was Marie. Gauche got mad and his Mana flared. "You have to stay calm," Asta said, grabbing Gauche's shoulder. "Fine. I'll calmly kill you and her!" He said. He started shooting at Asta and Asta threw the sword he found and hit Gauche with it, canceling his magic. The sword went back to his grimoire. "They're probably somewhere in the mountains because there are caves there that would be perfect to hide in," Asta said. "Your right. How did you know that though?" The old nun said. "It's simple. I can feel the area around us. It also feels like, well, you know exactly what I'm about to say don't you," Asta says looking at the nun. "Yes. I assume it's about the fact that the snow is infused with magic correct?" The nun replied. Asta nodded. "Well let's stop slacking off. We have to get going now!" Asta said. The nun came along with Gauche. 

In a cave far away, Neige was talking about friends. A mirror flashed into existence and Marie was out of the spell. However, the magic surrounded Marie. So when Neige, a light-blue-haired kid, was talking about how she escaped the spell, another man, who was older and fat, got mad at Neige after he slapped the girl because she had strong magic. "Sorry Baro," Neige muttered. He let out a loud laugh. "Let me see!" He said. he activated his spectacle and noticed a kid, who was Marco, had really weak Mana. "Why'd you bring in a runt!" He yelled. He threw out the child and Asta saw Marco tumbling down a cave and caught him. Gauche immediately flew in without sparing a glance. "He's in some kind of trance," The old nun said. Asta grabbed the anti-magic sword. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" She yelled in alarm. Asta touched his head with the sword and Marco woke up. "My entire body hurts!" He yelled in pain. The nun was about to heal Marco when Asta touched him. Marco was immediately healed and fell asleep. Asta took the mass from the food he stored and converted everything into a mattress that Marco could sleep on, as well as a blanket. He got on a broomstick and flew in after Gauche. 

    Baro and Neige were winning against Gauche. They thought his Mana was immense. At least, until Asta came in. Baro and Neige saw Asta use magic to slice up the remaining snowmen and Baro turned on the spectacle and stepped back. "He. He. He's a monster!" Baro yelled. "HE'S GOT NEARLY INFINITE MANA! THIS CAVE CAN'T EVEN CONTAIN IT!" He yelled, backing up against the mana tube. "How could anyone be as sick as you," Asta started. "To PREY on children who can't even defend themselves. How can anyone be so sick as to steal Mana from children to kill them," Asta turned into his demon form. His now red eyes gleamed under the shadow covering his face. He lifted his anti-magic sword. "RESTORE!" He yelled. The kids got their mana restored from Asta's own magic storage and revived. "HE HAS SO MUCH MANA HE ISN'T EVEN AFFECTED WITH REVIVING THAT MANY!" Baro yelled in fear. Asta walked up to him in demon form. For the first time, Gauche didn't think he could win a fight in terms of mana. He was considered to have more mana than almost anyone, but looking at Asta, he could feel the way he made mana fill the room. "Demon magic. Death of the needled beast!" Asta said. A bunch of dark needles appeared and trapped Neige and Baro. Asta went back to his original form. "And if you touch any more kids. You won't leave to see the next day," He said. He trapped them in an alternate prison portal and teleported himself and all of the kids back to their parents. "Hold on! I will release them all from the spell!" Asta said. "Spreading!" He yelled. A bunch of swords came flying down and the parents were about to run to protect them when they saw the swords gently touch the children's heads before fading away. "Extensive healing!" Asta yelled. Everyone in the village was cured of any illness or disease they had. "Good. Now! Rest!" Asta told them. The villagers all nodded and went to sleep. 

Asta went into Rebecca's house. "Hey, can I sleep here?" He asked. "Sure! But also Asta," Rebecca said. Asta came over. Rebecca tip-toed up to reach Asta's cheek and kissed him. Asta blushed slightly. (remember Asta's actually tall in this.) Asta slept on the couch.

Now to the Chibi Moments

Moment Number One! Rebecca Making Dinner!

"Sister?" Marco asked. "Yes," Rebecca responded whilst working on the food. "Do you like Asta?" He asked innocently. Rebecca blushed. "N-n-no," She stuttered out. "uh-huh," Marco said, clearly not believing the lie.

Moment Number Two! Rebecca While Asta Was In the House!

"Sister?" Marco asked. "yes?" Rebecca responded while watching the children. "Why aren't you asking Mr. Asta about if you want to go on a date with him?" Marco asked. "M-M-MARCO!" Rebecca yelled in surprise. Marco giggled. "Don't laugh at me," Rebecca jokingly whined.

Moment Number Three! Luck and Helene Barbary!

"Really? Thanks for the compliment! What's your magic?" Helene asked. "It's best we take this outside," Luck said with a little wink because of the burst of confidence he got. Helene giggled. "Okay," she said, giggling. The two went outside. Luck put on a lightning-light show and in the end made one with her face in it. "Hey, what's your barbershop called?" Luck asked. "Oh it's (Insert random name here,) why?" Helene asked, curious. "It's simple really," Luck said. He launched some lightning in the air to tell people to go there for a haircut. "Wow, thanks!" Helene said. "Don't mention it!" Luck responded with a grin. Not his insane one, but a genuine one that she couldn't help but blush and grin back at.  

AND DONE! Sorry it's not as long as before but like, I'm trying here! I love writing this though and I'm looking for new material as we speak. I hope you have a nice day! Author-kun, out! 

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