Spoiler Chapter (Royal Knights Exam)

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"AND NOW! TEAM B VERSUS TEAM G!" The announcer called. After setting up their crystal in their spots, Langris out in the open, and Mimosa made a cave with normal pit traps for it that had no magic used for the traps, which they learned to do thanks to Mimosa's egotistical beauty-obsessed brother who had a magic eye thingy gift. Asta was stronger with his eye-prowess, which he named Mana Magnitude Amplification Glare.  Sekke let out a "Haha," and gave off a cocky smirk. Then Asta gave off a confident one. One that showed his confidence in how he knew he would win. Langris was infuriated that someone thought they could beat HIM, the pride of house Vaude. But he kept a calm and confident smirk on his face. Mimosa had a look of grim determinations on her face. They all flashed, moving really fast, going into the fight. Asta took the three of them while Zora or Xerx also helped with deflecting and making small traps while Mimosa was literally carried on Asta's back in a shroud of shielding so she could repeatedly heal him. Langris sent tons upon tons of his spatial magic, which was easily deflected by Asta. Asta then used his Mana Magnitude Amplification Glare or MMAG. "MMAG, Piercing Light Mirrors!" Asta yelled. Several Mirrors appeared around Sekke and Lawn Grass, shooting out light beams at them. Sekke made his cannonball and started shooting at the mirrors, doing basically nothing besides protecting the group. The snow lady nullified  Asta's abilities to sense with the Mana around him. Asta smirked and flared his Mana, shocking Langris. He then seemingly teleported to Langris, his eye in the third stage, or purple phase, and blasted at Langris and Sekke, "MMAG! STRIKING LIGHTNING BOLTS!" Asta yelled. Lightning bolts hailed down on Langris and Sekke as they tried to avoid them. Asta felt his right arm cloak itself in lightning. He gave off a deadly aura and had a sinister laugh on his face, "Aww, why are you so scared?" He asked in a baby voice, further infuriating Langris. He let out a guttural howl and a bunch of his mana cloaked him. Asta used his lightning cloaked hand and grabbed the spatial magic out of the air. He threw the orbs back. Langris smirked and held up his hands, absorbing the orbs back, "This gives me more ammunition!" He cried out as he pooled all of his magic together, getting ready to launch it at Asta. Asta gave off a feral growl, "You idiot! Can't you see I'm stronger then you!" Langris let out an obnoxious laugh, "HA! You think YOU are better then ME? Don't even lie!" He yelled out. That's when Asta smirked, "I'm not lying, but I hope you know what's coming at you," He said, speaking the last part quietly. Langris was slightly uneasy. He remembered hearing a saying, "The loud and boisterous are all the same, but beware the quiet ones, because they're always the hidden power." He felt the fear settle in but didn't show it. Suddenly, Langris felt something else take control and his magic boost. "DON'T EVER THINK SOMEONE LIKE YOU COULD BEAT ME!" He yelled. His magic started circulating and swirling, flaring to dangerously high levels.  Asta got his eye ready, as well as his grimoire, "I'm done playing around! Those who treat me with kindness, I will repay that tenfold. But those, those who betray me, who hurt me, who hurt my friends! I will repay that injustice a thousandfold," Asta said. He then flashed in front of Langris. "This is for Finral!" Asta yelled as he punched Langris into the air. Langris was stuck in mid-air. The wizard king's eyes were sparkling so brightly everyone was getting blind. "Now I'm taking this move from our great wizard king. His form of some Rasengan thing in Naruto! But I'll use light!" Asta yelled as he held up his hand, a blue orb which was like that of the one the wizard king made to defeat the people he had sent away during the Rades Invasion. Asta then shoved it into Langris's stomach, launching him further into the air. Asta then held out his hand and light chains shot out at Langris, grabbing him. Asta pulled Langris towards him and kicked Langris in the side, breaking his ribs. He then punched his stomach and nose. Langris then went flying backward, barely able to use his magic to help him break out of the chains. Langris felt his magic come back and saw Asta pull out a sword from his grimoire. Asta then slashed Langris's crystal. But Langris didn't care about that anymore. He jumped at Asta, who then went to stage one eye of his MMAG, forcing Langris to fall asleep. "It seems we've found the person who's been controlled," Julius Novachrono muttered to himself as he went down to check on Langris. 

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