The Aftermath

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Fuegoleon was giving the other teams orders to go and survey the area and help clean up when suddenly, he was jumped. Leopold, him, Noelle and Yuno. Fuegoleon got his arm chopped off by a flash of light and was laying on the floor. "Wind Creation Magic, Spiritual Calls!" Yuno yelled. All of the mages were caught in very strong winds. "Interesting, another wind user. Wind creation magic! Death by wind needles!" He called. A bunch of needles went flying at Yuno. Leopold was about to step in when Asta teleported in front of them. "Angel Creation Magic, Slashing Death Winds," Asta said. A bunch of winds came slashing towards the needles, dispelling them midair. "Angel Magic, Seams of the Soul!" Asta yelled. Several tears appeared in their cloaks, revealing their faces. "Interesting, so you were after his pendant huh?" Asta said. He teleported to them and back, "Well I'll take it back," Asta said. "Light Magic, THOT BEGONE!" Asta yelled. The group was knocked backward. He turned towards Yuno. "I hope you understand why I won't heal Fuegoleon," Asta said. "WHAT! WHY WON'T YOU HEAL HIM!" Leopold yelled. "It's to give the other Magic Knights the motivation. And for you, I will heal his arm if we beat this group who seems to be the "Eye of the Midnight Sun" according to one of their thoughts," Asta said.

     Somewhere else, a man with several braids, earrings, and white-blond hair was sitting on a rock. "Damn, that kid managed to get the pendant," He said to the darkness. "We'll get it next time, and bring the clover kingdom to its knees," He said again. 

     Asta almost fell over. "That took so much energy from me," Asta said, gasping for breath. He balanced himself on one knee and hobbled to Fuegoleon. But first, he grabbed Rades, who he chained up, and put him into a portal to give him to someone of the interrogation unit. Asta then realized something. Someone had teleported the group away. "Angel Magic, Light Teleportation!" Asta said. He created a light sword and threw it to auto-aim to his impossible room at the base of the black bulls. He had the sword at his base as a way to teleport back. He then teleported to the other group. 

    Julius Novachrono was about to step out from behind the pillar to attack the group when he saw Asta appear. "Crap. I Gotta take a bit from my secondary reserves. HHAAAAAAAAA!" Asta yelled. A golden aura flashed brightly around Asta before fading. Asta's green eyes flashed to a brighter emerald color before returning to their original green. "Finally. Damn, I forgot how much mana I put in there," Asta said. "I am back to full power though. Be prepared to Die," Asta said. "Sir, I know you are watching. I will say my real magic. Just, don't tell anyone," Asta said. 'Interesting. Somehow he was able to detect me,' Julius thought. "MULTI-CREATION MAGIC! POWER OF THE HOLY BEING TRIO!" Asta yelled. He exploded with magic and the entire opponent team was exploded. "Very impressive Asta. However, I would like to ask, how did you sense me?" Julius asked. "I can sense anything and anyone in a three-mile radius. A part of a skill I learned was how to send ripples of mana through the air that flows with actual natural mana," Asta said. "Someone is coming," The two said in sync. Their gaze hardened as the man with braids floated down. "Interesting, so your name is Patolli," Asta said, looking at Patolli.  (it's pronounced Patri but it's how the name is spelled,) Patolli stepped back in surprise. "How do you know my real name?" He asked. "Isn't it obvious? Your the eye of the midnight sun's leader and you are acting like a man named Licht. Though clearly, the others who you revived from the dead agree with your plan. I don't know exactly what comes after reviving them in their original bodies, but I know you will be trouble," Asta said. "Then I can't leave you alive. I will do the same thing I did to the captain," Patolli said. He flashed to Asta but Asta kicked him out of the air. "Your so slow I blinked twenty times before you got to me," Asta said. Licht gasped in surprise before anime logic kicked in and he was sent flying into the roof of the cave. "I will be back!" Patolli yelled. He went to an even faster light mode and teleported away. "He moved too fast. Crap," Asta said. "It's fine Asta. We'll get them at their base. I placed a tracker on him. Let's get back!" Julius Novachrono said with his usual chilled-out attitude. "Okay sir," Asta said. Asta and the wizard king were both thinking the same thing. Whatever was coming, it would be bad.

And that's a wrap! I hope you enjoyed today's chapter. I really am glad you guys enjoyed. This was an ending chapter for the invasion arc so we could transition into the eye of the midnight sun arc. I hope you enjoyed and have a good day! Sayonara reader-san! Author-kun out!  

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