The Day of Decision

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Asta and Yuno woke up and got ready for the day. The two walked up and entered the arena. "Okay, I want you two to fight each other," Vangeance said. Asta and Yuno nodded. They stepped onto the field. "Okay, begin whenever," Vangeance said. The two friends stared at each other for a little bit. "Multi-creation Magic! AVATAR'S WRATH!" Asta yelled. He charged up a ball of sheer power that all of the people judging could feel. "WIND CREATION MAGIC! SILPH'S RAGE!" Yuno yelled in response. The two orbs of pure magic power collided, causing an explosion of magic power. "MULTI-CREATION MAGIC! FIRESTORM OF DEVILS!" Asta yelled. Yuno was surrounded by a flaming tornado. "Wind creation magic, towering tornado!" Yuno yelled. The firestorm was dispersed by several tornados. "MULTI-CREATION MAGIC! LIGHT SWORDS OF PAIN!" Asta yelled. A bunch of swords rained down on Yuno. "Wind Creation Magic, Twisting wind barrier," Yuno said. The light swords dispersed. "Multi Creation Magic, Light shed!" Asta yelled. A bunch of light flew onto Yuno, blinding him. Asta took advantage of it. "Multi Creation Magic, death mist!" Asta yelled. The entire battlefield was shrouded in a dark mist that made all of the captains fear for their lives. "Fine then Asta, you thought you could do this. Fine, WIND MAGIC, WHISPERS OF SILPH," Yuno yelled. Asta got all of his doubts fed into his brain. Asta, however, had a will of Iron. "Multi-Magic, Dispelling Mana," Asta said. He released a lot of his Mana, causing the spell to break. "Light Magic, blinding cover!" Asta said. He blinded Yuno so he could cover himself from whatever was being conjured. All of the captains and Yuno were covering their eyes. When it faded, Asta was shrouded in a bright light.  "Wind Creation Magic, FLARING WINDSTORM!" Yuno yelled. A bunch of firey tornados from the friction of the wind appeared, circling Asta. "Firestorm Shield," Asta said. A giant firestorm covered Asta. "Multi-Creation Magic, Devastating Flames!" Asta yelled. "I give up," Yuno said. Since the fireballs were still falling, the captains were getting ready to jump to deflect them when they dissipated. "Nice job Yuno!" Asta said walking up to him. The two shook hands.  "Okay then, Asta," Vangeance called. The captains were confused at how Vangeance knew his name. "We met them two days ago. They got some strong ki those two. Stronger than even feather-face over there," Yami said pointing to Vangeance. The captains were muttering in surprise. All the captains rose their hands. "The black bulls," Asta said. "You know that's the worst squad right?" Jack the ripper said. "Then I'll make it the best!" Asta said. The captains nodded. "Yuno," Vangeance said. All the captains raised their hands. "The golden dawn," Yuno said. "Hm, this kid just proved how you can be a commoner and a golden dawn, ke ke," Someone in a green robe said. 

Le time skip to the squad

As soon as Asta walked into the castle of the hideout, he was met with the sight of fighting. He could tell if he said anything they would ignore him. "SHUT UP," Yami yelled from behind him. The entire gang stopped and basically kneeled in front of him. 

Another time skip to the baptism fighting Magna

"Um, Magna, even I get bad vibes from this guy. Surprisingly, I don't want to fight him," Luck told Magna. Magna shrugged it off, "We don't even know what he can do, so he must just give off the vibe dude," Magna said. He then started hurling fireballs at Asta. "Multi-creation magic, Salamander's Roar," Asta said. Magna was about to be charbroiled when Asta canceled the spell. "Good enough," Asta asked as he walked into the building. Magna looked back shocked. As much as he would've loved to fight back, Asta gave off a scary vibe. As he walked, he turned around, giving off an aura scarier than a mad captain Yami. "Before you think about it, don't try and fight me," Asta said. He secretly used magic and found his own living quarters. He stayed in his own house. "Multi Magic, angel's cleansing," Asta said. His entire room was cleaned immediately. He set up. Asta got in bed, ready for the next day.  

And that's a wrap! Shoutout to Bladelegend101 for being the first to comment on the last chapter. I hope you enjoyed! Also, I am happy to see people enjoy my fastest-growing story! I know I am late with updating but I am going to write more next chapter. I just needed to get the entire beginning out of the way. Have a nice day! 

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