Important Notice

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Okay, so I normally hate these but this is one of the most important things for this story. Should I rewrite it? With OP MCs, I have a hard time finishing those kinds of stories until I figure out a good power scale or find an OC, but I hate OCs and figured out at, in the seabed temple fight, Asta would wipe the floor. 

Small Excerpt from Attempted Writing

"Devil magic, word form, thousand-blade pierce," Asta muttered darkly, his eyes shadowing his face as a pair of large demonic wings unfurled from behind him. The large leathery wings gleamed in the natural light as the man with beast markings in front of him smirked. "That di-," before he could finish, he was stabbed by a thousand blades that weren't originally there. "That was boring," Asta muttered, walking off to help his friends. 

End of Excerpt

It's stuff like this that makes the story feel less entertaining to be as a writer and, in my own opinion, as a good read. There's really no intended ship or chemistry and I tend to dance around the subject or play it off, so I want to do a rewrite. To those of you fine with it, I'll just post it here as "Rewrite chapter 1" because the basis of the story will stay the same, but if you so wish I will keep certain plot points the same. Thanks for your time and sorry to disappoint. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2021 ⏰

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