The Dungeon

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Asta was talking with Yuno through sound waves. "So Yuno, I got a mission for a dungeon tomorrow, what about you?" Asta asked. "Oh, I got the same mission. I think we are going to the same dungeon. The one on our border and the heart border right?" Yuno asked. "Yeah," Asta replied. "A race to the treasure?" Asta asked. "You're on Asta!" Yuno said. The two turned in for the night to sleep, excited for the dungeon.  

        Asta and Luck, after getting told about the place being the dating spot and Charmy promising food when they get back, walked over to the dungeon. After a while, Luck found the room. "I sense a dense magic power this way," Luck said. After a while, they found a room filled with dense mana. Luck kept going in circles because Asta's magic power was so dense. They found the cave. Luck was a bit jittery around Asta because Asta's magic was so powerful it made him scared. "OOH! A STRONG OPPONENT!" Luck said, anxious to get away. He jumped towards where the opponent was. Yuno was helping Mimosa and Klaus when he heard Asta yelling. "WHY THE HELL DID HE LEAVE ME HERE!" Yuno guided the two along. "Mimosa knows who we're going to meet," Yuno promised. Mimosa was confused until she saw Asta. "Oh, Asta! What are you doing here?" Mimosa said as she approached Asta. "Oh, a mission, just like you," Asta said. Klaus was a bit mad about the distraction. "We must go. We can not associate ourselves with people like the black bulls," Klaus said with an air of arrogance. Asta gave him a twice-over. "You look weak," Asta said with a plain expression. "HOW DARE YOU!" Klaus yelled. He talked about how he was nobility and how he was much stronger than Asta. Asta gave him a deadpan expression. "Can you beat Yuno?" Asta asked. Klaus blushed. As much as he would've liked to say otherwise, he knew he couldn't beat Yuno. "Yup, just like I thought. You can't," Asta said. "He is stronger than me," Yuno said to Klaus with a blank expression. "So I assume we're supposed to work together for this," Asta said. "Yeah, seems like it," Yuno said, a blank expression still on his face. Klaus let out a growl of frustration. "Fine," Klaus said. As the four were traveling around together, they came across a giant door. "It seems like..." Klaus started. "The door's made of magic," Asta finished. "Then how do we destroy it?" Mimosa asked. "You guys are still hopeless. Not as much as before, but still," Asta said. "Multi Magic, Cancelling Prowess," Asta said. The group watched in amazement as the door slowly disappeared. "What is your magic??!!!??" Klaus said, shocked at his magic and curious as to why he didn't yell his magic. "Not telling," Asta said with a deadpan expression. Klaus growled in frustration at Asta not answering his demands. He stopped when he realized he sounded like a baby growling about what he wanted. He stopped and his throat turned red in embarrassment and anger, surprised as to what emotions Asta was able to bring out of him. As the door fully faded, the treasure was revealed in all it's glory. "Hold on, I sense something," Asta said. He teleported away and came back with Luck, who was knocked out. "Thank god. He almost died. Anyways, the thing is approaching," Asta said. Suddenly, a guy with silverish white hair came out of the hall. He had a gem in his chest and was wearing a cloak with a black, furry border of the cape. "Stop! This loot belongs to the Clover Kingdom!" Klaus said. Yuno gave him a deadpan look. "You think someone from a different kingdom is going to listen to you and leave," Yuno said, looking at him. "WILL YOU SHUT UP!" Klaus yelled. Klaus was really mad. He was mad that they just kept on making him look stupid. He was mad that he was in the dark about Asta's power. He was seething as he wheeled on Mars. "I'll end this quickly!" Klaus said, thinking Mars was weak.  "Steel Creation Magic, Drilling Shots!" Klaus yelled. A bunch of drills appeared in the air and launched themselves at Mars. Mars rose his arm into the air. A wall of crystals launched up into the air, stopping the drills dead in their tracks. Klaus growled in frustration. "Lightning Creation Magic, Thunder God's Boots!" A higher-pitched voice yelled before a thud followed. They all looked and saw Luck, face dotted with sweat. "Sleep," Asta commanded. Luck nodded and started sleeping. "Send-away," Asta said. Klaus heard him say send-away. He was mad that Asta didn't mention his magic but didn't react. Luck sunk into the ground sleeping. "He's safe in an alternate dimension. Mimosa, make a cave to our left. That way, I can fight full strength," Asta said. Yuno knew what he meant. Mimosa made the cave and used her earth goddess vines to drag Klaus into the cave. "Good. Use the vines to hide the entrance," Asta said. Mimosa did as he said. "Now, let's do this YUNO!" Asta said, yelling the last part. "Light Swords of pain!" Asta yelled. Two swords made of light appeared. Yuno and Asta each grabbed one. Klaus watched Mimosa's Spore Hologram in amazement. "It makes sense that his magic is light. He can use light to teleport and he used light to send him to a different dimension. Of course!" Klaus rambled. Mimosa giggled. "His magic isn't light. Though, I guess what he's doing it makes sense. However, I won't tell you what it is. It is obvious he doesn't want you knowing," Mimosa said. Klaus let out another growl in frustration. He sat there and watched. 

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