The Grand Finale of the Rebecca Scarlett Arc

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Asta went back to check on the cave. He saw a black portal and out came a blinding light. A man and another person came out. "Hello again. Licht," Asta said. The blinding light faded. A bunch of light blades teleported to Asta and he looked at them, causing the light blades to disintegrate. Licht teleported behind Asta and Asta glared at Licht. Asta whipped around and used an elemental sword to slash Licht, causing him to get launched backward. The evil scarecrow then teleported behind Asta, attempting to hit him with a concentrated ball of evil energy. Asta kicked him in the chin, sending him flying. Licht got mad and moved even faster. Asta kept deflecting Licht's attacks. "You know what was a weapon for punishment against sinners?" He asked. "It was a whip... a fitting end for someone like you!" Licht said. A bunch of whips started hitting Asta. Asta then saw Skinny Bones Line Face start standing up. He helped Licht move around the cave and Asta started jumping and reached his hand out. He pulled in Licht's grimoire. He flipped it open. "WAIT DON'T!" He yelled and Asta saw everything. He tossed the book to William Vangeance. "Okay, Licht. I see what your doing," Asta said. He got mad and started attacking Asta even faster than before. Asta was struggling to keep up with the speed of the attacks. "I swore I would never use this magic but, skinny pants is being a nuisance and helping him move faster as well as firing the occasional ball of evil at him. "Angel Magic, Devil's Imprisonment!" He said. The guy was stuck in a red prison. There was lava and magma so he couldn't escape. Asta dragged his sword behind him. "Your next!" Asta said. He dragged his sword behind him. He then raised the sword and teleported. "this spell is my most powerful and your puny mana will not be able to prove victorious over me," Licht said. A bunch of light accumulated and became a lot stronger. "The end is upon you!" Licht said. "Now take your last breath. Asta. Now, engaging light magic, the ray of punishment!" Licht said. Asta slashed his sword. The wind caught the light and swirled it around the sword. The water merged with the light, refracting and enhancing the glare of light. The fire added more glare to the light, and the wind and earth kept it trapped. He spun around to add momentum and launched everything back at Licht. Licht was hit by his own spell and fell. "Welp, let's get you back," Asta said. He opened a portal and collapsed through it. "Guess I was, lower on, magic then, I initially, thought," He muttered to himself. He fell through it. Yuno had just arrived at the city because of a report he got to help out someone. He saw a portal open and saw Asta collapse through it. Suddenly, Yuno was in front of him and caught him. Asta woke up and saw Yuno had laid them down. "What?" Asta asked. "Don't worry Asta," Yuno said. Asta bolted up. He opened a portal, "Yuno, come through with me. I had beaten the leader dude! We have to get him!" He said. Yuno stepped through with Asta. The two saw a black portal open. "But how? The portal guy is knocked out though," Asta thought. Suddenly, out came three guys with intense Mana. "uh... these guys are overflowing with Mana," Yuno said. "I can see that. Based on my magic, one uses copy magic, one uses beast magic, and one uses fire or spirit magic," Asta said. "This kid's sharp," The man who looked like a tiger said. Suddenly, Licht was shrouded in fire and healing. He started floating. "Ahh yes. The three-leaf clover. The leaves mean something you petty humans don't follow. Love, Loyalty, and faith. These three mean the opposite. Meet Rhya the disloyal!" Licht said. A man that has black hair and white patches held a hand up to his face and yawned. "This is going to be a pain," He muttered. "Next is the opposite of faith. Meet Vetto the Despair," Licht said. The tiger-like man gave his most animal-like grin. "I can't wait to crush you, puny humans!" He exclaimed. "And finally, the one who's the opposite of love. Meet Fauna the Hateful," Licht said. "If you dare hurt master Licht, I will kill you," She said. Her eyes were blank and suddenly, out came Sylph. "Ooh! You have Salamander!" Sylph said flying around. "And so what if I do," Fauna said blankly. "LET'S FIGHT!" Yuno and Asta said at the same time. Yuno launched himself at Fauna and the two started fist fighting first. Fauna threw a punch and Yuno ducked under it. He swept out his leg and Fauna jumped over it. She sent down a fire fist at Yuno, who swept his arm up and moved her arm away with the wind from his magic. Yuno then jumped back. The two started exchanging magic blows. Wind blades collided with fire and the embers grazed Yuno, while the cold wind blades broke up into smaller areas and grazed Fauna in several areas. The two's magic started getting stronger. Full-blown tornados started colliding with seemingly endless streams of fire and magic was sparking and flying everywhere. "It appears these two are also loved by the Mana," Licht said. Asta was taking on Vetto in a fight. His beast magic against Asta's own Angel Magic section of his multi-magic. The two were exchanging blow after blow of powerful Magic; Rhya and Licht watched, wanting to prove that elves didn't need to team up to take one man. Suddenly, A portal appeared, and out came Yami Tsukihiro. "Sorry, I'm late. But don't take all the fun for yourself!" Yami then jumped at Rhya, who touched his grimoire. "Hey that's a pretty unique design," He said. "Paws off," Yami said before jumping back. 

Suddenly, Rhya used Yami's dark-cloaked lightless slash. Yami slashed back. The two collided and broke each other. Those two started going all out. "What would some foreigner like me be doing against some really powerful natives huh," Yami said, blowing out of his cigarette. "If you are truly a foreigner then you have no place in this fight. You may back out now if you wish," Licht said. Yami let out a tch. "Not happening," He said. 

Asta and Vetto were exchanging blows like crazy. "I can't wait to see the look of despair on your face when I crush you!" He yelled. "Not happening!" Asta responded with just as much ferocity. The two started fighting faster to the point where the cave was getting severely damaged. Vetto then started shooting some of his mana out of his palms. "Angel Well-Rounded Magic, Shield of healing and attacking!" Asta yelled. He then started shooting beams of light at Vetto. The ammunition all collided in mid-air and dispersed all over the ground. A fire hilt appeared in Asta's hand. Sylph and Salamander both looked at each other before merging, creating a sword for Asta. His sword had a swirling red and white intertwining design on a steel katana with a Katana hilt made out of fire.  "Spirit creation magic, Spiritual summoning sword," Asta said, smirking. Tiger Mc. Vetto backed up, surprised. "THIS KID IS CRAZY," He yelled. He shook it off. Asta smirked and charged in. Vetto could barely keep up and Asta saw that to win, he would need to bait Vetto. He feinted an opening in his right, intentionally making it seem like it happened by accident. Vetto grinned and went to attack his gut on the right side, giving Asta the perfect opportunity to slice Vetto's chest, causing him to stumble back bleeding by the chest. Rhya then kicked away Captain Yami and Jumped over to Vetto, who stumbled back clutching his chest. "Oh and by the way," Asta said, looking backward at all four of the heads of the eye of the midnight sun, "I'm a foreigner from a land outside of this area," He finished. "Stupid brat! By fighting us, this is now your situation as well," Rhya and Fauna said, coldly glaring at Asta, leaking a lot of Killer Intent (KI) as they glared at him. Asta didn't flinch and released even more KI than even they could've mustered. "I've had some bad experiences of my own. Don't think your entire species dying or whatever Licht said is worse than being dumped in an orphanage, constantly defending a place from drunks, as well as training. I've worked really hard to get here. Some of these drunks had powerful magic as well as some of them being magic knights. I was attacked as a child and grew stronger. What about you?" Asta asked intimidatingly. "What do you mean that's worse?" Licht asked, truly curious. "Tell me. Were you beaten repeatedly as a child? No. You were killed instantly. There were some days I wanted to die. But now I'm me. Stronger than ever!" Asta exclaimed. Licht nodded. 

              Suddenly, Asta attacked Licht with his demon slayer sword. Licht then started glowing like crazy and Vetto looked up. "Oh crap!" Licht was growing in power. "Crap! That power was supposed to stay sealed!" Rhya said. Asta looked up and saw Licht glowing like crazy and he felt the magic power and something, almost like a seal, snapped inside him. His left eye flashed into three colors, black, red, and purple, before fading to red with three blue dots. The blue dots swirled and his eye glowed, creating a blue seal around Licht. All of the power leaking from Licht was sealed away. "Woah, what happened?" Asta said, realizing his mind went blank. 'This kid doesn't know what he did?' Vetto thought, surprised. 'His power must be incredible,' Fauna thought, a slightly shocked expression on her face. "The only thing I remember was something like a seal breaking and then here we are," Asta muttered to himself. "Interesting Interesting. This kid looks impressive! Gonna be a pain to deal with later though," Rhya said, rubbing his hand across the back of his neck and stretching. "Well, we need to get our leader back to base so he can rest. See you later," Rhya said. "I'll make sure I bring despair to you next time we meet," Vetto said. And with that, the four disappeared. Asta stretched as Yuno and Captain Yami got their stuff. "Welp, let's get going!" 

Thanks for reading! I know this took a bit longer to come out and I apologize. The next chapter will be posting my idea for a far in the future chapter, so if you read it when it's an actual chapter, don't be surprised if you feel like you've seen it before! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it! Author-Kun, out! 

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