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Asta was informed he got a week's break to rest so he could gather his mind to give the most accurate retelling of what happened in the dungeon. During his break, he decided to meet up with Mimosa, Yuno, and Noelle. They all decided to meet up at a cafe. Mimosa and Noelle never tried any good coffee. So they decided to meet at a cafe Asta bought with his first paycheck. He experimented with foods and let his customers try the food for the first order. He had a special broccolini over steak, a hazelnut coffee, and a vegan burger. After they met at the cafe, they started discussing what headquarters was like. Noelle and Mimosa explained to Asta and Yuno about the Wizard King. He used time magic, had blond hair that was cut shorter than Naruto's in Boruto, and wore a red cloak with badges on it. He also was a notorious magic geek. Asta and Yuno listened carefully as they ate their food. 

After they finished eating, Asta "paid" for the meal. Mimosa and Noelle were talking about how good the hazelnut coffee was. Obviously, the restaurant had generic water and a special fruit juice that had special flavor-enhancing mana. Both were the same price, as there was mana in the water to kill germs. The water and Juice were both 100 Yul. The steaks were 1000 Yul. The Coffee was 100 Yul, and the Burger was 1050 Yul. Anyways, back to the story.

The group all headed back to their headquarters, wishing each other well. Waiting for the day to give their report came. 

Time Skip

Asta was in the capital walking around. He bumped into Noelle. The two chatted for a bit before continuing on going forward. Yuno, Mimosa, and Klaus were all walking to the headquarters when they saw a girl with silver hair and a silver uniform walking with a boy that had blond hair and was wearing a black uniform with a golden bull stitched into the right side. The trio immediately recognized the two. "Asta! Noelle!" Mimosa called, waving at the two. Asta and Noelle jogged over to the trio. "Hey, guys!" Asta said with his signature giant grin on his face. "Hey Asta," Yuno said. "ASTA! I apologize. I was disrespectful to you yesterday and thought you were lesser than me due to your social status. I saw you defend us and I realized that I was wrong. So forgive me," Klaus said. "Yeah sure, whatever four eyes. I accept your apology," Asta said in a dismissive tone. Klaus let out a growl in frustration before Yuno put a firm hand on his shoulder. "Look, he acts like that to people who act like jerks. Give him some time," Yuno said. Klaus nodded. The five walked in silence towards the headquarters. A guy in a red cloak and blond hair cut shorter than Naruto's in Boruto walked down the steps to greet them. Asta and Yuno recognized him as the wizard king, Julius Novachrono. The five bowed in sync. "Rise," Julius said. 

Time skip because I'm lazy. Goes the same as the anime up until the buffet.

At the buffet

Asta was eating food and commenting on it. "This tastes terrible," Asta said. Everyone besides Yuno, Mimosa, and Noelle gasped. "What did you say! This was cooked by the best cooks in the entire kingdom!" One guy said angrily. "I do agree, though I am curious as to what you tasted that was better, hahaha," another chubby guy said. "Here, try this," Asta said. He reached into a portal and pulled out three buffets of food. They all took a bite and had stars in their eyes. They started eating like crazy. Asta gave some to the others and they all started eating. After eating, everyone was really full when someone yelled something. "YOU MUST'VE POISONED IT!" The guy said. Asta gave him a look. "And you are?" The guy looked taken aback. "I am Solid Silva!" Solid said. "A royal eh. Guess a 'mere' commoner like me should be scared but you, ..." Asta said, looking at Solid, "Look weak," Asta said after giving him a twice over. "Why you! Water creation magic, sea serpent's coils!" Solid yells. Asta looks at him with a bored expression and released his mana into the air. The force of his mana alone disintegrated the water serpent. A girl who Noelle told him through telepathy was her sister, Nebra, stepped up. "Mist binding magic, mist spider threads," Nebra said. Asta looked at her and her magic faded. Another guy brought out his grimoire. 'He isn't just some commoner, is he. Sand Creation Magic, Sand Armored Guardian,' the guy thought. A sand giant came up and grabbed Asta. "Weak," Asta said. The sand giant crumbled. "I'll wipe that smug smirk off his face," Solid said, walking up. "WATER CREATION MAGIC, HOLY WATER BULLET!" Solid yelled. It got halfway to Asta before it crumbled. "Even sister lily's Holy Fist of love was stronger," Asta said, bored expression still present on his face. "I haven't even needed to use my magic yet. Pathetic," Asta said. "I'll show you some respect," Said a guy who Asta saw was the captain of the Silver Eagles. "Mercury creation magic, Silver Bullet," Nozel said. Asta looked up, "Blinding Light Barrier," Asta said. The silver bullets bounced off harmlessly. Nozel released a lot of his Mana. It was cold and harsh, like the antarctic. "Your mana is pitiful for a captain," Asta said. Nozel was taken aback that Asta didn't even flinch at his Mana. Nozel let out a grunt in frustration.  Suddenly, a guy busted in. He told them the city was under attack, and Asta immediately jumped out, saying that they had to go before people died. 

Asta was looking for the biggest concentration of Mana and found an area with a slightly lesser mana signature and another stronger mana signature. Asta jumped down just in time to save some random girl. Asta set her down. "Portal to home," Asta said. He teleported the girl to her church.  Asta looked at him, "Hello," Asta says, looking at him with a blank expression in his eyes. 

The Intro to Rades is kinda crap, but it's just gonna be the same because it's too hard to write out a new scenario for the intro.

"SEE MY NUMBER 4! JIMMY!" Rades said. He watched Asta look at "Jimmy." Jimmy collapsed. "Fine then. I will use Alfred and David! My 2 and 3!" Rades said. 'Two versus one, I think I know what to do,' Asta thought. David was destroyed immediately. Alfred launched several orbs of black mana at Asta. Asta got nicked on his finger to see what the damage did. "So your attack makes injuries grow larger, Impressive," Asta said. Rabies, I mean Rades, growled in frustration. "But I have the power of someone with holy magic. Light Healing," Asta said. His body was enveloped in light and his finger was healed. "Let's begin," Asta said. Alfred sent several more orbs of black mana at Asta. Asta jumped over the first one, ducked under the second, jumped, tilted sideways, and spun to absorb the magic and send it back from the third orb, causing it to hit the fourth orb. The fifth orb came in the form of a spear. Asta jumped over it and grabbed the side. He threw it back to Alfred. "Fine then. NUMBER ONE! CARL!" Rades yelled. Carl appeared. He cloaked him and Rades in a strange purple aura. Asta gave it a twice over. "Why do you have so little magic and why is your shield so weak?" Asta asked. Rades was taken aback. No one ever said he had little mana. Even fewer people said he had a weak shield, as most of them died. "I have never said my magic out loud, but I will win today. I won't say my real magic, but I will say my alias magic. Angel Creation Magic, Light Swords of Devastation!" Asta yelled. Ten swords formed in a circle and Pointed towards Rades. The swords pierced through the shield and stabbed Carl in ten different places, absorbing his mana and adding to Asta's mana capacity. "Weak," Asta said. He grabbed Rades and trapped him in an alternate dimension. "I will use all my mana doing this, but here we go," Asta said.

The rest of them went together to map out the battlefield. "Don't worry. Asta will handle this in a few minutes," Yuno said. "Fine, but if he isn't done in four minutes, we are going to save them," Fuegoleon said. "Oh, he will be," Yuno said. Four minutes later, Fuegoleon got ready to go. "I'm going now!" He said sternly. Yuno pointed at a floating light. "That's Asta's most Mana Draining move. If we go down there, we'll be drained of most of our mana because we just enter the radius and it doesn't have enough time to analyze us and it will release it into the air. This move doesn't drain any people or living original, but it gets every copy and mana creature. Even stuff animated, as long as the mana doesn't belong, he gets it," Yuno said. Suddenly, there was a giant flash of light. All of the corpses faded away, as well as everything else. 

      Asta was on one knee, balancing himself on one of the swords he got from killing Carl. "Light Chains of Damnation," Asta said. He chained down Rades with the light chains. Right then, he saw Yuno fly down. "You Okay Asta?" Yuno said with a sarcastic grin plastered on his face. "You *gaps* know *GAsp* I'm *GASP* fine," Asta said. "Okay. Wind Magic, Teleportal," Yuno said. The air carried him to his headquarters. "Welp, let's clean up the area," Yuno said. 

Sorry this chapter took so long. Author-Kun was taking a break because he was exhausted. Okay, I'll stop referring to myself in the third person. I almost caught covid and actually had colds about ten times. I wrote as much as my headache mind could. I hope you enjoyed! Also, shoutout to CrztozThockchom and CunningMeow for being new commentors. Have a nice day! 

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