ENTER Mimosa and Noelle

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Yuno and Asta woke up to knocking. They looked through the peephole and saw Mimosa and Noelle. "So can we start our training?" Mimosa asked. She suddenly felt extremely nervous. Asta and Yuno looked dead. "Okay, sure. Just, chill in here or something while Yuno and I get ready," Asta said. Asta went first and washed up and what-not. "Okay Yuno, your turn," Asta said. He emerged from the bathroom in nothing but underwear and shorts. He was still very much buff. Asta trained his body in case he had to fight without his magic. He then grabbed one of his shirts that was torn from training. "I can men..." Mimosa started. She saw Asta mutter something and looked up, "Nah, I can mend it myself," he said. The shirt started to glow and it mended itself. "COOL!" Mimosa said. Asta nodded. The three were messing around when Yuno emerged from the bathroom. He, unlike Asta, was fully dressed. SECOND PLOT TWIST! Asta is actually three centimeters shorter than Yuno right now! "So are you guys ready to start training?" Asta asked the two. They both nodded. 

    After going outside, Asta told Mimosa to turn around. "Since you are using plant magic, let me do something to let the magic flow through you better," He told her. She nodded and turned so she was facing away from him. "Don't panic," Asta warned her. Mimosa nodded again and stood still. She felt two hands go up her shirt and she knew it was Asta. Asta's hands stopped below her ribcage, "This is going to tickle," Asta warned her. Mimosa panicked a little but let him do it. He touched certain areas gently and Mimosa felt the urge to laugh and roll to the side. Then she felt a pain on the underside of the ribcage. "All done," Asta said. Mimosa was confused. "What did you do?" She asked. Asta then cut a long gash down his arm. "Heal this," He said pointing to the gash. Mimosa nodded and healed it. She thought it would take her a few minutes but it actually took seconds. She realized what he did. "You opened up more pathways for me to absorb the mana in the area for when I need to, didn't you!" She said. Asta nodded. "Now practice using attack spells. Here's one for you," Asta said. "Plant creation magic, Vines of the Goddess!" Asta yelled. A bunch of vines came up and attacked around Mimosa. "With this attack, you can control the vines to attack anywhere. The spell works better when a girl uses it though," Asta said. "OKAY! I'll try it," Mimosa said timidly. Asta nodded and went to Noelle. He figured Noelle wasn't going to let him open more pathways for magic. He shook his head. "Hey Noelle," Asta called. Noelle whipped around in surprise. "Um, yeah," she responded nervously. "Try relaxing and letting out all of your magic, then pool it into an attack or defense spell!" Asta said. Noelle looked nervous. "Okay, I'll try," She said. She released all of her magic and a giant chaotic ball of dense water magic formed around her. "WATER CREATION MAGIC! SEA DRAGON'S LAIR!" Noelle yelled. A large ball of water with some areas she could use for attacking surrounded her. "I DID IT!" Noelle yelled in joy. She then realized something happened to her magic, she could control it properly without it struggling against her. "WATER CREATION MAGIC! SEA DRAGON'S ROAR!" 

       An hour later, it was lunch. Noelle and Mimosa wanted to go back but Asta told them he would get something he made on the travel to the capital. Mimosa and Noelle accepted to not be rude. They were amazed that it was better than what they ate at the capital. "So, how do you like it?" Asta asked. "SO GOOD!" The two girls yelled in chibi form. They kept eating while Asta and Yuno talked. "So when do you think they'll come to get us tomorrow?" Asta asked Yuno. "I don't know, they just said they would. I guess they are going to send some lower-level magic knight or some magic guard to get us," Yuno responded. While the two were talking about it, Mimosa and Noelle were eating. They ate so much that they couldn't even eat anymore. "Sorry guys. I forgot that I made it filling," Asta said sheepishly. The girls wondered what he meant. They didn't know that it was actually filling but the good taste overrides any sense of pain from it being filling until it's nighttime. Asta and Yuno didn't say anything but they ate half a plate. "Defill," Asta said. He pointed his wand at Mimosa and Noelle and the two deflated from the spell. They suddenly realize they still felt full even after getting emptied of any food mass in their stomach. "Um, thanks," Mimosa said. "No problem! NOW BACK TO WORK!" Asta yelled. The two nodded and kept practicing.

Another hour passed. "I GOT THE HANG OF THE VINE SPELL ASTA!" Mimosa yelled from where she was practicing. She demonstrated her control. "Good job, now try this spell. Plant creation magic, Hollowed," Asta said. He launched it at a boulder. "This spell can carve out the inside of anything in up to a one-mile radius. If you need to make a shelter on the go, it's a good spell. Practice it on this. Earth Creation Magic, Boulder Circle," Asta said. Mimosa nodded and went to practice. Noelle kept practicing the same spells to get better. 

By the end of the day, the group was wiped out. Noelle mastered all the spells in her grimoire, Mimosa learned new spells to use for fighting and mastered both, and Yuno and Asta learned they were okay teachers. "Okay, you two head home and we'll talk tomorrow maybe," Asta said. The two girls nodded and ran home, no longer afraid of the people who would jump them. 

"Well Well Well, look who we have here," A guy said as he emerged from a building. A bunch of thugs surrounded Mimosa and Noelle. "It's the two royals. No boyfriends here to save you?" The guy taunted. "Let's get them!" A guy yelled. They all yelled in agreement and charged. "Water creation magic, sea dragon's lair!" Noelle yelled. A defensive spell rose around the two. "Plant creation magic, vines of the goddess!" Mimosa called. A bunch of vines came out and restrained the thugs. "Don't try that again," Mimosa said. She slapped the leader. Suddenly, Asta came out of the bushes. "Nice job Mimosa, Noelle," The two girls bowed. "Thanks, Asta," they said in unison. "Don't thank me yet! We still need to see each other in the magic knights!" Asta said. The two nodded. "Now run along you two. Good Night!" The two echoed the good night and ran home. "And you! Stop trying to mess with them," Asta said wheeling on the gang. They all pissed their pants, nodded, and ran home. 

And I finished. The next chapter will be longer! I just did 1000 word chapters for a build-up to the 3000-word chapters.  I hope you enjoyed it. Also, shoutout to ayanokojiohtur for commenting on the last chapter. Have a nice day! 

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