Chapter 5

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My eyes fluttered open just a cold breeze danced through the room. I tried to sit up but winced when my arm stung. I looked at my arms. They were bandaged from the tips of my fingers and straight to my elbow. My face also felt patched up, but I couldn't see much in the dark (and because I do not have a mirror with me). What happened? I questioned myself. But before I could answer that question, I saw movement in the corner of my eye. Turning my head, I saw a slumped figure on a very uncomfortable chair. As my eyes adjusted to the moon's light, I could make little out of the figure. His – at least I think it's a guy – ankle was atop his knee and his body was bent forward. Ew, gross. From here it looks like this person's body was twisted in different places. It looks like a very uncomfortable sleeping position. The stranger shifted again, but this time he laid back against the chair in a better position. The light shifted onto his face and I suppressed a gasp.

It was Zerek.

Okay. What the hell happened? Why is he in my room? What did we do?! Did he – did I – did we do something no parents would allow? My breaths came out shallow and I looked under the covers. I wore what I wore in the morning. Looking at the ground, I realized it was empty. Clean. What was I thinking? We wouldn't have done that! Would we? And that's when my memory says it's time for me to remember. I got beaten. Then Zerek was there and knocked the thief unconscious. Zerek, who carried me in his warm embrace, took me home and... I think that's where I passed out. I blushed, suddenly embarrassed that I passed out. On him. On Zerek of all people! Am I kidding myself right now! I covered my face in my hands and shook my head, thinking everything will just go away. But when I looked at where Zerek was sleeping... well, he was still there. Unfortunately. He looked so young and even handsomer when he's sleeping. His breathing was in a slow rhythm, his lips parted slightly. His cheekbones sharp and sleek and his hair rumpled all over the place. Geez, I feel like a creeper. He shivered as another gust of wind entered the room. Looking at my bed, I realized there were the entire world supply of bedsheets on top of my bed. No wonder I'm sweating right now. I slowly removed the covers and got off bed. I wobbled a bit, my hand grasping the edge of the bedside table to get balance. Legs steady, head not dizzy, I moved to get a bedsheet and a pillow, wrapped it around Zerek and finally placed the pillow behind his head. I stared at his face a little longer before I sighed and headed to the bathroom. Softly closing the door so the light wouldn't enter the room, I stared at myself though the mirror. I had a band aid on my forehead and a tiny one on my left cheek. My lip and eye seems to be a bit swollen, but not as big as a bee sting. I lifted my arm and gently touched the bump on my lip. It was numb. Maybe Zerek put something to stop the swelling on my lips or something. Then I imagined him touching my lips and I blushed. Sometimes, I really wonder what is wrong with me. Actually, that's most of the time. I sighed. I look like a mess.

"It's not too bad. Give it time and it'll get better." I jumped when I heard Zerek's voice in the doorway.

"Jesus Zerek! What if I was having a bath, huh? Would you still come inside with no noise and watch me bathe!" I yelled.

"Well, the shower wasn't on, so I thought it would be safe for me to enter." He shrugged.

I gave him a frustrated look. "What if I was changing?!"

"That... I did not think about, but I wouldn't mind a sneak peek." He wiggled his brows. I threw my hands and pushed him out the door. Instantly regretted it. I hugged my arms as I fell to the floor. Agonizing pain raced up my arms and back down again. Zerek was instantly there holding my hands gently. My hands seem so small inside his giant hands. Tears pricked my eyes as the ache seemed to increase than lessen. Zerek helped me stand and helped me back down onto the bed. He grabbed a first aid kit out under the bed and took some numbing gel and more bandages. Removing the old ones, Zerek gently rubbed the cold gel onto my hand and forearm, giving it a light massage. My skin felt tender and a purple hue surrounded the area. The ache seems to become less painful by the minute. Once the lotion is perfectly rubbed, he wrapped my arm again to trap the heat inside. This was all done so silently you could even hear my heart run a thousand miles per minute. He let go of my hands and sat back on his heels. He looked up at me, his green eyes shining brighter in the dark compared to my dull caramel eyes. We stared at each other, silently; him on the floor, me on the bed. I blinked and shook my head.

"Thank you for –" I raised my hands, "this. But I am not sorry about the incident in the bathroom. You could've at least knocked!" This earned me a smirk.

"People say I'm no good in manners." He smirked.

"Well, let me teach you some manners. Get out when a woman is sleeping!" I pointed to the door with a grin on my face.

"Who said you were a woman?" He laughed when I kicked him square in the chest. He raised his hands in surrender and walked backwards to the door. "Okay, okay. I surrender. Sleep well, my love." He gave a mock bow and left the room. I laid in bed, staring at the ceiling. The moment when my hands were in Zerek's flashed before my eyes. It felt so warm against the frigid air. How was he so warm, yet shivered when he was sleeping? Does it have something to do with me? Nah. I slapped my forehead. I need to stop over-thinking these things. Like seriously. I closed both windows and did what I told myself: I slept.

The first thing I realized when I woke up was that... I've been sleeping every five minutes. At least I won't be tired for the next hundred years. Sighing, I had a bath and changed into a warm pink sweater and white jeggings. While going down the stairs, the sound from the television increased with each step I took. I entered the living room, but nobody was there. The T.V was just switched on. Grabbing the remote, I was about to sit on the couch, when I yelped. My hand clasped my mouth as to not make a sound. Zerek was sleeping on the couch. I grabbed the sheet that has fallen off the couch and placed it on top of him. I switched the T.V off and went to the kitchen to grab myself a mini box of pudding. Where's mum? Her bedroom door was open and there was not a soul in there. The kitchen was empty. The laundry room was empty. And everywhere else is empty, in exception to the living room. Did Zerek call mum while I was injured? If so, did she answer. Or did it go straight to voicemail. If it did, did he tell her to call him back? Wow, if she did get the voicemail, then she really doesn't care about me. Coming back to the living room, I sat on mum's armchair – which was next to the couch – and stared out the window. There was nothing much out this window. There was like a tree that I have grown from scratch when I was younger. This part connects to the backyard if anyone's wondering how I even got there. It was a beautiful tree. Dark blue and purple flowers sprouted every day and seems to never die. Behind the tree was my neighbor's building. A rustling to my left caught my attention. Zerek's hair has been messed up by moving around on the couch, yet he looked even more handsomer. It's not like I watch him in his sleep or something. Or wait. I'm doing that right now. But I can't seem to get my eyes off his pretty face. The urge to touch him hit me hard.

"I can feel you staring at my gorgeous face, you know" I flinched and looked away just as one of his emerald eyes opened.

"I – I wasn't s-staring at you! Pfft! Why would I?" I got up and retreated to the kitchen, trying to hide the blush creeping onto my face. When I lied my ears turn pink and I seem to get sweat on my brow. Just hopefully Zerek never caught on that. Or else, I wouldn't be able to lie to him again. I came to the living room again with another mini box of yogurt and gave it to Zerek. He took it without question.

"How long was I asleep since you woke?" He asked.

"Dunno. I never did check the time I woke up. Maybe about ten to fifteen minutes since? I dunno." I leaned back against the chair and stared at the ceiling. After a couple of minutes of silence, Zerek questioned, "Your mum didn't come did she?" He said it so quietly, I thought he was murmuring to himself. I shook my head. How long has it been since Zerek called mum? One hour? Two? Her job must be so much more important than her own adopted daughter I guess.

I feel some sort of heat creeping around my body, lifting all my dark thoughts away, lifting all my sadness of my mother away. Up and blown in the invisible wind.

"What just happened?" I asked.
Zerek choked on his yogurt and hastily stood up. "You know, I-I think I should leave. Are you alright?" I was about to say no when he answered his own question. "Yes okay. Then I will leave. With this um – yogurt. Thanks. Ciao. Bye"

"Wait Where you–" But he was already out the door. Jerk. But was it me, or did he just read my mind? Like literally read my mind? But before I could ponder anymore of Zerek's mind reading mojo, I felt a woozy sensation. And before I know it, I'm falling. Straight into a dark pit.

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