Chapter 24

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We start on our trip again, breakfast less. Yeah, we tried having breakfast in the restaurant across the inn, but some old lady refused.

"I will not serve to the likes of you, you monsters!" she had said, walking with her walking stick. Me a Zerek were utterly confused with what she was talking about. But it was as if she read our mind, she yelled, "I recognize your face anywhere, even if you had cast some spell to look younger! Get out! OUT!" We were pushed out, and they slammed the door in our faces. And now, we're walking down the gravel pathway, our stomachs rumbling like a lion's roar. Couldn't they have given us just a mini snack or something? Zerek dug his hands into his pocket and pulled something out.

"Granola bar?" he asked. I stared at him.

"Where did that come from?" I asked, grabbing the half he broke.

"I don't think you'd wanna know." He dropped his arm across my shoulders, tucking me to his side. It warm and nice as I wrapped my arm around his waist. Trees surrounded us as we continued. The birds screamed their songs as the wind danced with the trees. It was quite the calming atmosphere. Suddenly, a shiver coursed through my body as if someone was behind me. I looked back, but no one was there. Frowning, I turn back and was met by a crowded town. Full of bustling people, and cars and buses. I let go of Zerek and look around. It's so... lively! Not like the town centre back at home. The shops were busy serving lines and lines of people. Kids with balloons and bubbles ran around screaming as others give chase. Many threw coins into the pond in the middle, then wishing for something. I looked around in wonder. Will our side ever be like this? People laughing, smiling. Tears filled my eyes as I looked back at Zerek. How come our side is so unhappy? And how come the village we came out of was neglected? Was this really the queens doing? My aunt? Without saying anything, Zerek wrapped his arms around me, and I buried my face in his chest. We stayed like that for a while, then I sniffed and reluctantly slipped out of his warm embrace. We kept walking asking people about the places we describe, but for some reason no one knew where it was. I was starting to give up hope, when someone whispered near me.

"Psst! Over here!" the voice sounded tiny and when i turned, i saw a little girl in rags hiding behind a bush. I looked around me before looking back at her, but she was nowhere to be seen.

"Over here!" i jumped as i heard her voice right next to me. But she was like five metres away from me! How had i heard her so closely. I go towards the alleyway, leaving Zerek to converse with a floral shop owner. The girl moves deeper into the alley and hides behind a large bin.

"Are you okay?" i ask. She nods.

"The place you're looking for is not here." I give her the I-already-know-that look.

"Thanks for stating the obvious, Sherlock!" i start to turn when she grabbed my arm.

"You will not find your answer by asking people, they're not even there. You need to use your head to find the answer."

"What? Not there? What do you mean?" but she already disappeared. Like poof! Nowhere to be seen.

I walk back out and see Zerek looking for me. I smile and poke him in the side. He jumped and then relaxed.

"You scared me there!" He laughed. But then it disappeared. "No one recognized the picture. As if it never existed."

"Yeah, I don't think we'll find anything here. I got an anonymous tip about it. Apparently, the people are not even here? But I don't know what she's talking about." I look down hopelessly. He wraps his arms around, tucking me in. Suddenly, I felt a gush of wind whip pass me, and when I turned, I saw it. The houses.

Then it disappeared.

I blinked but it wasn't there anymore. Was it like the glamours we've passed through before? No. Many people are walking between it and doesn't seem to be teleporting or anything. I move out of Zerek's embrace and walk toward where I think the houses were. Lifting my arm, I keep walking, and walking, until–

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