Chapter 7

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That day had come. The day. The most dreadful day of the year. I lay on my bed, staring at the clock, not wanting to get out and start the day. It was way too hot undercover, although it was the middle of winter, so the bedsheet has been kicked to the ground. My light-shade brown skin was covered by ankle length pyjama bottoms and long-sleeved pyjama top. All covered in pink, fluffy unicorns. It was one of my favourites. Time seems to stop instead of going on its usual pace. I groaned when there a loud knock on the door. I tiredly opened the door and saw mum standing in front of the doorway, dressed as if she was going clubbing. She held out a bag to me and murmured something I couldn't quite get. But before I could ask what it was, she turned and left me on the doorway staring after her. I peered inside the bag and sighed. More perfume. At least this time it's Channel. Keeping it away in the elephant sized perfume collection, I went back to staring at the clock. The seconds seems to go slower and slower and slower the more times I look at it. And after what felt like an hour, a minute passed.

"Urgh! I'm never going to make through this day alive!" I yelled at the ceiling, flopping my hands on the side of the bed. I stayed there for a little while then looked at the clock. Only another minute has passed. The pillow I threw at the wall, soared like the wind before smack-banging against the wall. I groaned again and tried to think of something to pass my time. Maybe I could garden? Or maybe I could clean the house or something? I think the first option seems better. Can't be bothered to clean today. Maybe next week. Or next year. I changed out of my night clothes and dressed into a more garden-fit outfit. Grabbing my spade, some seeds I bought the last time I went shopping and my watering can, I was ready to get started on my gardening.
I took out the weeds near a patch in the backyard and dug a tiny hole. Placing a couple of seeds into the hole, I closed up and opened another next to it and repeated the process again. Once every seed has its own hole, I poured water and switched on the LED lamp. I sat there for a while, staring at the stars that twinkled so brightly as if it would never be able to see another day again. The moon laid among the scattered light, shining just as brightly. It was a full moon today, and the moon looked a bit yellow unlike any other full moon days. I sighed. I guess looking up at the stars would help pass my time. I smiled, calm at just the sight of this view. So, I stayed there, lying on the grass, and staring at the glorious night sky. And I hope no one ruins it.

My smile turned into a shriek when someone's face popped into my field of vision.

I rolled away and backed up to the fence. "Has no one in your entire life, told you about knocking on the front door!?" I yelled, clearly frustrated.

"I did! For more than twenty minutes!" He gestured to his watch. I frowned. Time really went fast when watching the stars? My eyes fell of their sockets and I laid back on the grass again and stared at the stars.

"What are you doing?" Zerek asked, suddenly next to me. He is definitely Flash.

"Trying to get past today. And it seems that looking at the now-fading-stars, time seems to fly by." That's when he burst out laughing! "What? Did I say something that is so funny? You know, everyone in the neighbourhood can hear you!" He was still laughing to tears.

"It's just that, I didn't even stay twenty minutes. You should know, I'm very impatient. If no one answers in my first knock and I know that someone's in the house, then I just let myself in! So, the answer to your question is yes. You did say something very, very, very funny!" He's slapping his knees right now, while I looked like a surprised little monkey. I knew it was too good to be true. I grumbled and walked away from him.

"Wait, wait, don't leave me!" Zerek gasped in between but in the end he started laughing again. He practically fell to his knees. Shaking my head, frustrated, I stomped back inside and into the living room and slumped onto the couch, suddenly depressed again. I don't think it was that funny! I think he's just taking things a little too far. "I'm never going to get through this day without torture." I grumbled. Zerek stumbled into the living room – still laughing – and collapsed next to me.

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