Chapter 10

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It was so awkward. The air was so thick with tension, that you can even slice it with a butter knife! My fork scraped against my plate as I finished with my dinner.

"Excuse me." I whispered before getting up from the table and towards the kitchen. I was right behind her when she asked, "Are you... feeling alright?" I wanted, so badly, to tell her about what was happening in my life right now, but why would I? Why would I tell her if she doesn't care?

"I feel fine." It wasn't supposed to come out as sharp as it did. I saw my mum flinch in the corner of my eye before I started walking again. Does she regret when she didn't check on me? I looked up and studied her face. It betrayed no emotion. Her back was straight, her eyes emotionless and blank and her lips thinned into a straight line. Yeah, I doubt she regretted it. I mean she was at a party. Who would want to ditch such a time to take care of a child? I would. I thought. It was sad how she didn't. I looked down at the dirty sink. I quickly washed my plate, dried it, and placed it back in the rack. Mum finished eating and was heading toward the kitchen. I really didn't want to be in the same space as her, so I quickly raced up to my bedroom and slammed the door behind me.

When I was a kid, I liked to explore through the house. You know, like finding trap doors under beds, or other hidden doors behind large, old paintings. But sadly, there were no paintings or trap doors under beds. It was just an ordinary house. Then one night, when it was one of those nights where you just cannot go to sleep, I heard a thud inside my closet. I waited a while, to see if I just imagined it or not but then I heard scratching against the door of the closet. I slowly got off the bed and tip-toed in the direction of the wardrobe. Opening it slightly, I could only see darkness. I opened it wider and saw something tiny and furry. A creature sat there, its red beady eyes staring up at me, looking totally innocent. If I wasn't ten years old back then, I would've known what it was. Instead, thinking it was a guinea pig, I picked I up and started petting. But the animal didn't want to be anywhere near me, so it clawed out of my hand and scurried back to where it came from. Though my hands were bleeding, I was more focused of where the animal came from. But mum entered the room before I could look into it.

I leaned against the closed door and sighed. I want to get out. I don't want to stay in here anymore. But mum wouldn't let me go out this late at night. I stood in front of the wardrobe and opened the door. It creaked and I shoved the hanged clothes to the side. The light from the room made looking into the closet easier but when the doors are shut, it was pitch black. I kneeled inside the wardrobe and the wood groaned. Shuffling a bit inside, I turned and closed the doors. I turned to the back of the closet and reached to the bottom and felt a carved handle. Gripping the tiny handle, I pulled the backboard up to reveal a tunnel. I crawled through the gap. Landing softly on the cool ground, I looked around to see if there was anyone – or anything – in there. As usual, it was just me and my breathing. The walls were made of rocks, and the floor was concrete. I sped through the underpass, not needing the soft glow of the lamps that hung on the walls to show me where my destination was. I finally came to a dead end. At least that's everyone would think. I pushed at the wall and it easily turned inward. The room was dark. Pitch black. The lights automatically turned on at the presence of a living being. The almost empty fridge lie in the corner near the long glass table. A velvet couch is in the centre of the room and a fireplace in front of it. Above the fireplace was a T.V. It's like a mini cabin or something. There was another door and that led outside, but surrounding the place were trees and bushes, so no one can see if I'm there or not. Stepping outside, on the left side there was a rock pathway. Following it would lead to the main road, somehow far away from my house. I sat on the velvet couch and switched the T.V on. For some reason this T.V has shown many shows that no ordinary T.V has. It's kinda cool. I switched on my favourite show. After a couple hours watching, my eyes started to droop. My head flopped forward as I tried to stay awake, but as each minute passes, my mind starts to slip away into the dark oblivion. And so, I follow it too, until it's wrapped around me like a blanket.

Bang! I jolted awake. What was that? I thought to myself. I was still in the hidden hut, lying on the couch. The light was still on and from the looks of it, nothing and no one was here. Bang! Bang! It sounded like gunshots. Is there a shooting outside or something? Another bang and this I listened to where it was coming from. Fortunately – and stupid me didn't realize – the sounds were from the T.V. show. Someone was shooting someone but failed miserably. I sighed; relieved. I really had thought someone was going around with a gun, shooting at random people. I got up from the couch and headed to the mini fridge. I always stock it up but not with stuff that could rot in a few days, since I don't come here as often. I drank a bit of cold water and washed my face off a bit. Nothing but a warm bath would help me get the drowsiness out of my face. Cleaning up the place – though there was nothing much to clean up – I stepped on the light switch on the floor and headed back up to my room. I had to feel my way up the tunnel since my torch has run out of power. I finally ended up back to where I'm supposed to be, and I was about to open the back board when I heard feet shuffling inside my room. If I can hear that, then the doors to my closet is wide open. It was way too dark in here and my breath became shallower by the minute. How can I get inside without mum finding out? My heart stuttered as there was thud near the closet. I backed up but there wasn't much room. I need to get out. But this was the only exit! Wait... no it isn't. I run back in the direction I came from and entered the room again. I didn't bother switching the light on again and I sped through the double doors and I was outside. I took a deep, calm breath in. I'm free. I'm out! I thought as I walked back home. Thank god I knew where those doors led to.

I took one step, and everything went black and white. Everything was forgotten. Red ribbons appeared in front of me, dancing in its own song. It stretched far beyond my sight. My body started to move even though my brain didn't know where I'm headed. The ribbons twisted in the air, graceful as a ballet dancer. I followed its lead and turned.

Right into a dark figure.

I couldn't see who it was, but I didn't care. All I care about was that ribbon in front of me. And I didn't want to lose it. I used the wind element and pushed the thing away not caring whether it got hurt or not. The ribbon seemed to wave at me, calling me. I ran up to the red lines and kept on following. I didn't know where the hell I was going, but I kept on tripping on things I couldn't see. No more black figures came at me, so that was a plus. I don't know how long it took, but the red strip finally ended. Twisting into a knot, then exploded into red shimmery dust. My vision cleared and colour came back into my eyes again.

Trees surrounded me and I couldn't tell which way I even came from. Where am I? I thought. I was on a pathway and looking back there was no one around. I walked a little further on the footpath and came to a stop. My mouth dropped open, my eyes widened, and my heart slammed against my rib cage. Everything went silent around me. The trees stilled, the birds stopped singing and ants stopped crawling. Everything was super silent except for my ragged breathing. What was in front of me was something of a vision. Literally.

I was standing in front of that gate. 

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