Chapter 23

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We walked on the green grassy path for what seems like forever. And I am definitely sure that we're reading the map correctly.
We got the hand-drawn map from Keiko, but it took us a while to actually get on the road because of her. She insisted on coming with us, to show the way and all, but I said that I needed to do this alone since she's my mother and all that jazz. She still kept on pushing the topic and I finally said that she could not come and that it's final. Yes, she did question Zerek's presence, but he was the only one who could help me out when I get those damn headaches. When she agreed she looked so crestfallen that it broke my heart. So, to make up to her I said that she could help me by protecting the queen. That made her back off on the main topic, thank God. And that's how we ended up here. Wandering around in circles. We even marked a tree, and we came back to the same one three times now.
"Now, I get the feeling we should've brought Keiko with us." Zerek commented. I nodded in agreement, looking down at the map again.
"Hey, where north again?" I turned my map so the hand-drawn north faced the north Zerek pointed at. We have already taken this path, but maybe we missed a turn? Or maybe the turn was a bit more ahead?
First, we walk north until there's a clear left. Then turn left. Then after couple of meters west, there should be a clear pathway. Then she told us to just follow that pathway.
"Okay, let's do this!" I folded the map and put it in my bag of magical items. We followed the directions and yet we still didn't find that gravel path. When we turn left, trees block the path instead of seeing a rocky path. I sighed in frustration and kicked at the dirt. I was so frustrated I even kicked at the trees which blocked our path. But it made no contact so I stumbled through the mirage. The image wobbled before setting straight again.
And I could see Zerek on the other side as well.
Can he see me though?
I mean from the way he's looking around panicked, I doubt it. I reached out and clung onto his arm before pulling him through the mirage. He looked back at the image then ahead of him, then back. Shock filled his features as he looked back and forth. He looked at me, and I spoke before he could.
"Don't ask me that question, because I do not know the answer."
"I wasn't going to ask anything." He said, looking down at out hands. I flinched and quickly withdrew my hand from his, but he just caught it again. "I never complained," he smiled softly. Warmth filled me starting from our clasped hands and all the way to my toes. A soft breeze blew at us, ruffling his shiny black hair. His green eyes shone under the sun's light, creating something prettier than the stars.
Nodding, we stalked through the woods again, but on the gravel path this time. Zerek intertwined his fingers between mine. It was much more comfortable than it was before. My heart was desperate to get out as it slammed against its cage and a soft tornado of butterflies filled my stomach. All I could do was think about this tiny, miniscule gesture and how much it affected me. Wait, no! I must not be thinking about that! I need to figure out what house number it was that hid my mother away!
I slapped my face with my free hand and Zerek's sharp gaze locked on me. "You, okay?" he asks.
"Yeah, just slapping bad– irrelevant thoughts from my head." I nod. Still a bit concerned, he walked a bit closer, every step made his shoulder brush against mine. I tried to focus on other things, but with him this close, my already speeding heart went into overdrive.
Finally arrived at the village and we were already exhausted to the bone.
We walked on for so long my legs almost gave way.
"We should have something to eat and find somewhere to rest and continue to search again tomorrow." Zerek sighed. I would've argued, saying I have no time considering my headache (though I'm quite surprised it hasn't come yet) but I can't go any further. My body has reached its limit. I took out the left over money and saw that I only have two coins left. That would only give us a decent meal but a shabby inn. Or vice versa.
"Which would you like? Good food or a good bed?" I asked starting to move forward.
"Hmm, both sounds really nice, but if I had to choose it would be good food."
"Why food?" I asked, as we started walking toward the village.
"Well, you can still get rest whether you sleep on a luxurious bed or a stone bed. But you won't have enough energy if you don't have a good meal." Zerek shrugged. I laughed.
"Where'd you learn that?" I chuckled.
"My mother told me whenever I didn't want to eat." Suddenly all the humour died down and it was quiet. We silently entered the village and the first thing I realized was that none of the houses or buildings resembled the on I'd seen.
"Zerek, I don't think this is it. It doesn't match with the one I'd seen." The gravel road faded into a normal dirt road, as if someone couldn't be bothered to finish the rest. It was a small place, with a maximum of five houses, a restaurant and an inn, guess for visitors, but I doubt they get many. The place looks abandoned, but you could hear screaming kids inside some. The place was a bit dirty; soda cans and paper cups are splattered all over the place, leftover food thrown out for racoons to eat. In some areas it stunk like hell!
"How can anyone come here? Let alone live here?" I asked in disgust.
"I don't think your aunt knows of this place. I don't think anyone does." He replied.
"But how does Keiko know then?"
"Don't think she does. She probably thought the next village after was the closest one," he shrugged. "But I don't know, maybe she did know about it?" I let out a sigh as we headed to the restaurant. Right now, I just want to eat and sleep. I'll worry about this after we get my mother.
Heading inside the restaurant, we were greeted by the owner, excited about having their first guest. He talked about the history of the place, about his family, about almost everything! He talked and talked and talked that I was about to cast a non-talkative spell when he finally asked what we would like. Calming my anger, I ordered almost everything they had. Zerek didn't order anything, claiming that he'd be sharing with me. I didn't mind it, we were almost broke anyways. When the food arrived, I didn't even wait 'till the waiter put the food down to start eating. Zerek did the same as well, which was quite surprising since I thought he'd be the sensible one. Guess not when it comes to eating!
"Ah, that was good! I wonder why no one comes here?" I say, laying back on my seat. Zerek did the same, nodding. Now to just go to sleep... my eyes started to fall shut when a massive clap brought them up again.
"There's an inn right next door. Let's go now before you drool on their tables." He chuckled and helped me up. Giving the owner a coin, we left to next door to get some sleep, but luck was definitely not on my side today though.
"Two coins for a double bed, one coin for a single! What's so hard about that?" The grumpy old man yelled.
"Come on! We must be your only customers! Why are you charging us so much!" I begged, but the old man just smirked.
"Because you are my only customers, I got to make the most of it. So I put the prices up to earn a living!" He huffed as I sighed. I definitely did not have the brain power to argue with him.
"Fine then, give us a room with a single bed then, I can't deal with this today." I mumbled. Mr. Grumpy grinned as he held out a hand. I placed the money onto his sweaty hands and headed upstairs. Entering our room, I was surprised that it was quite big. And the bed... was not a single? I turned to ask the man, but he was already gone.
"Huh. I guess he mixed singles and doubles together." Zerek chuckled. I didn't care. All I wanted to do was sleep.
"I'll go have a bath first, then you can go afterwards, yeah?" When Zerek nodded, I quickly rushed to the shower and beat my last record in quickest wash. I want to get onto that bed as quickly as possible. I opened the bathroom door so fast, it slammed against the wall. I winced, and Zerek jumped.
"You done?" he asked eyes wide.
"Yep!" I ran past him and jumped onto bed. I heard a soft chuckle as he moved to the bathroom and gently shut the door. The bed was so soft compared to the way the actual room looks. The walls are damaged and spider webs hung on the corners. There was one bedside table but that was all. No pictures, no cupboard, nothing.
The door to the bathroom opened again, and when I looked up, he was just wearing his jeans, which hung quite low. His muscled arms hard chest were filled with water droplets, and I couldn't help but follow the one droplet slide down his chiselled abs. Zerek looked up suddenly and smirked.
"You like what you see?" I flushed and turned towards the wall.
"Shut up!" I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep when I felt the bed dip. I stiffened as I felt him getting closer to me, but somehow still keep a distance.
"Good night," he whispers, his breath dancing along my neck. I stayed still. I could feel him right behind me. I just need to get closer– No! I can't. He doesn't like me like that! Just as I was about to relax, Zerek's arm snaked across my waist and pulled me against him. Warmth flooded to every single cell in my body. I stiffened and stiffened even more as he nuzzled his head between my neck and shoulder. I couldn't breathe. His grip isn't tight, so I can distance myself whenever, but I don't. I just stay there, feeling his breath ruffle my hair. My body moved suddenly, without me even registering what I was about to do. I turned. And I suddenly regret it. His head was so close to mine, his lips even closer. But he was asleep. His chest rose and fell, and just the feel of his heartbeat was calming. Feeling a bit more relaxed, I snuggled closer to him, and he tightened his grip around my waist. He smelled of soap and lavender, and his chest is as hard as it is seen. He shifted, wrapping both hands around my waist and his chin atop my head. I just snuggled closer, warmth flooding my body. My eyes felt heavy and sleep dragged me under just as Zerek whispered something, which didn't even make it to my ears before I shut down.

When I awoke, the scenery was still the same; a dark room with the sunrays still peeking out from closed windows. A lean, and a hard body was pressed against my back and I stiffened in panic, only to recall last nights events. A soft heat creeped onto my face as the thought of me snuggling closer to him graced my mind. But that heat was nothing compared to what Zerek was emitting. It felt nice against the cold air. His leg was atop of mine, his arm encircling my waist, tucking me in his eternal warmth. Wanting to see him, I slowly turned, my arm brushing his bare chest, careful not to wake him. It was successful. Though the slight bend of his brows, he looked so peaceful, so relaxed as his chest rose and fell, evenly. It was beautiful. It was hypnotic. I reached out and traced his full lips, his sharp cheek bones, the shape of his eyes, and the length of his jaw. It was all so mesmerizing. He was mesmerising.
In a blink of an eye, my wrist was caught in a gentle grip. Startled, I stared at my hand before facing Zerek's fierce, green eyes. My heart responded to something in his eyes. My heart was already beating fast, but now it flew into overdrive, trying to break free from its cage. He leaned into my hand, closed his eyes and let out a ragged breath as if I affected him as much as he did me. Butterflies formed in my stomach, fluttering wildly, never tired. And this time I ain't denying my attraction towards him, as I had felt this way from the first time we met, from every minor touches our body makes, from all those times he saved me, and from just seeing him makes my heart stutter. Nothing, not even my denials, will make my heart stop beating as it will only beat for him.
We were so close, and when Zerek leaned his forehead, eyes still closed, only our breaths separated the two of us. Our breathings were the same; hard and ragged. His eyes snapped open as if something broke inside him. Then in a blink of an eye his lips were on mine. It was soft, tender. So gentle. So... Zerek. My hands travelled up his strong arms and clasped behind his neck while his dug inside my hair. I pulled him against me and the kiss deepened. His tongue grazed my teeth, prying it open, and I let it. I pressed against him until our bodies a flush against each other. Suddenly, he was on top of me, kissing my jaw, then my neck and back up.
"You're going to regret this." He whispered kissing in the space between my earlobe and neck. I gasped as the tips of his fingers grazed my bare stomach under my shirt.
"I won't regret anything." I breathed, a bit confused at his statement. Why would I regret this! Why would I regret him?
"You'd hate me one day. You'd despise me." He kept on going. On and on how I would loathe him. I grabbed his face and forced him to look at me. His eyes glittered under the tiny sunray creeping from the window and I gave a small smile.
"Zerek, trust me when I say this. I love you. I loved you since the day we met. No matter what happens from here on out will ever change that." I kissed him and pulled back to look at him. His eyes widened at my confession, and kissed me again, much, much deeper than the last. My shirt came off and his hands travelled up and down my body, exploring everything. My own hands explored his fine exterior, his muscled back rippling under my touch. Zerek's mouth left mine only to make contact with the rest of my skin. My back arched as his hand raced down my stomach, towards my jeans, and–
The headache knocked the air out of my lungs.
Zerek jerked up, concern flashing across his face. "What's wrong?"
"The headache. But it just left as if someone or something pulled it back." I shook my head. Zerek got off me to lie next to me.
"We should head back then. We'll come another time."  Zerek calmly added.
"No" I said sternly. "We're not going back. We're so close, and I don't think next time I'd survive going through here without a headache. I'd probably get it back in five minutes and less if we come back another time. This is our only chance, we cannot waste it!" I clutched at his hands and looked straight into his beautiful eyes, and whispered, "please?" After a while, he sighed and gave a nod. Excited, I pulled him towards me, kissed so hard, then pulled back, leaving both of us breathless. I got up, ready to have a bath, when he pulled me back onto the bed and started showering me with kisses and tickles. I laughed, tickling him back.
"Ok, ok. We need to start going, so I'll take a bath first." I stood up and left to have a shower.

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