Chapter 16

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I continued to stare at her. I tried absorbing this information, but it just won't enter my mind. I could not process this. Aunt? Are you serious? No, it can't be. But... she looks like my mum. At least from the pictures I've seen of her. My legs felt weak, but I held on. I looked at her facial feature: ocean blue eyes, golden blonde hair, wrinkles at the corner of her eyes but she looked around her late thirties. I saw Zerek move closer to me in my peripheral vision, but I was too focused on the queen to tell him to stop.

"I know this is a bit sudden for you, but it is true; I am you mother's sister." That snapped me out of my trance as I realized something.

"But if you are from the same mother as my mother, how come you're not a witch?" I questioned. The queen gave me an amused look.

"How are you so sure that your mother was the witch." That took me aback. Then I thought about it. Could my father be the gene carrier? I mean according to Zerek, the parent with the carrier must stay at least ten years and the longest was my dad, but he was only alive for five years since I was born, not even reaching the ten-year mark. I looked up when Queen Kraveera chuckled.

"I was joking. Your mother is the gene carrier. The reason I hadn't got the gene is because only one sibling shall get the powers. Or else the entire world will be populated with witches and warlocks instead of humans. It could be the first born, or the last born. It's just by chance." I let that sink in. So, only one child gets the gene. "However, the other siblings can get tiny portion of the power. Like they aren't full witches, but they can still do small incantations. Like make amulets or something." I let all the information sink in, except one.

"You said 'your mother is the gene carrier'. She dead. Why use present tense?" This earned a giggle fit from the queen.

"Oh God! You still don't see it do you! It is said, the parent who has the gene must stay alive for at least ten years for the child to activate his or her power. And yours is activated!" She kept on laughing while I tried to think what she meant. Then it clicked. Oh hell! My mother is alive? I think the queen saw the realization on my face because she started to nod but stopped.

"You haven't learned any spells have you?" I was still hung up on my mother that the queen had to repeat her question twice.

"I've learned to master the four elements, and somewhat master my special power. But no, I have yet to learn to create... spells." The queen stood up and exited the room, only to come back with two giant books in hand.

"These are what us witches call grimoires. It contains almost every spell you can think of, however they are the simpler and cheaper version since I am limited. I never needed the advanced ones." She gave me the books and I almost fell over because it was that heavy.

"What is this? Did they make it out of rocks?" I asked as Zerek helped get the books off me.

"No. Just a lot of paper stuck together and a hardcover." She sat back down on the throne. "Now– " A splitting headache banged against my head. I really am sick of these God damned headaches! Come on, like just leave me alone! I clutched my head and groaned; my knees felt weak and Zerek was a bit too late to catch me. On the ground, I curled into a ball and pulled at my hair. More images popped into my head. A fire. A house. All looked very familiar. As if it's a memory. There was a man and a crying little girl. And in the far corner I could see another two figures. I no longer felt the hard ground. Instead, it felt like I was on nothing. I tried to open my eyes but only to be blinded by white light.

Then it stopped. The visions. The pain. Everything. As if it wasn't there at all.

Darkness was everywhere when I opened my eyes, save for the dimly lit lamps. I was leaning against someone, I realized, and, of course, it was Zerek.

"Why must it always be you?" I whispered. It was always him. Always there when I really needed someone. Memories of when I got attacked, memories of when I was becoming something I never knew existed came flooding back to me. Zerek... It's always you. I caught his eyes and he breathed hard and fast. He has been running. To help me. His green eyes seemed to pierce through the darkness, his expression always worried. Friends. We're friends. Yet my rapidly beating heart and the flutter in my stomach seems to disagree. His felt warm, even though it's the middle of winter. I felt safe. That's the feeling. I felt safe and cared for when I'm near him.

"Are you okay?" Zerek asked. That snapped me out of my trance, and I flushed, turning away.

"Yeah, I'm fine. You can put me down now." I was still looking away when I stood on my own two feet. We started to head down the pathway, but I stumbled on the first step. Zerek caught me and something zinged through me when his hand touched my bare shoulder. This never happened before, so why now? He helped me straightened up but didn't remove his are off my shoulder, scared I would fall again.

"I'm fine, alright." I said in a light tone and removed his arm from my shoulder. The warmth drifted away, and I was left freezing. I tried not to show it but couldn't help my hands from shaking. Zerek seemed to notice it and pulled me close to him. Just enough for him to keep me warm and be able to walk straight. I stiffened even though heat seeped into my skin. I wanted to snuggle closer, to absorb more of the heat, but my heart just couldn't stop beating at the closeness. I tried to calm it down by slowly breathing in and out. Friends. Just friends. The trip felt longer than it really was.

We were in my front porch, when Zerek turned me towards him and rested his arms on my upper arms. He crouched down to eye level.

"Are you really okay? Do you want me to stay with you for a while?" Zerek searched my and I continued to calculate how close we are. When I couldn't answer I just nodded my head. He straightened again and smiled down at me.

"Well, then. I guess I'll take my leave." He waved and was about to leave when he seemed to remember something. "OH, here are the grimoires by the way. The books suddenly appeared on his hands, and I finally found my voice. I didn't ask how he kept them invisible because it is the same answer all the time. Instead, I said, "You keep them, with my mother being able to search through my stuff, I don't think it would be safe to keep it with me. Zerek nodded in understanding and made the books disappear again.

"Okay then. I'll see you later." He waved and faded into the distance. I continued to stare even though he wasn't there anymore. I finally turned and headed inside. I switched on the light and was startled to see my angry adoptive mother right in front of me. She looked scary.

"Where on Earth did you zoom off to?"


Sorry for the late update guys! Kinda was busy this entire week, but i hope you enjoy this chapter! Next chapter will hopefully be uploaded sometime next week 😁

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