Chapter 15

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The light didn't dim down even a bit. It stayed the same. I tried opening my eyes, only to be forced to close them again. I hated this so much, I can't even see anything. I opened and closed my eyes to see that I was surrounded by more trees. I squatted down and shielded my eyes from the light above. I slowly opened my eyes and concentrated on the grass and managed to keep them open for a long time before blinking. I slowly removed my hands from my forehead and managed to adjust to the brightness. And when I did, I was left breathless. Yes there was just trees, but since in the darker side, the only colours you can really see were dark blue and black, really.

Here... well it was so much more. There were green trees and there were trees with yellow and orange leaves. Some leaves have littered the floor, but it just made the place look even more magnificent. I even felt bad for stepping on the lush green grass with my muddy boots.

"Urg..." Someone groaned, and I snapped my head to my left to see Zerek struggling to see.

"Pfft! Hahahahaha!" I laughed and had to clutch my stomach. I might sound insensitive, but it was too damn funny to watch Zerek struggle. I rushed towards him and sheltered him, so the light wouldn't hit him directly. He blinked a couple of times before finally adjusting to the light. He too looked awestruck as he looked around the place. I smiled happy for some reason.

"What is that light anyways?" Zerek pointed at the big ball in the sky.

"I think that's what you call the sun. I read it on legends and picture books and well tv shows." I shrugged. "It warms you in winter and gives you light."

"Hmm." Zerek nodded. "But...where are we and how the hell did we get here." He gestured to our surroundings, and I gave him a sarcastic look.

"Yeah, and I definitely know where we are." We both sighed at the same time and looked around. There was nothing that leads me to any civilization. I took a step forward instead of searching on the one spot, but I heard something pulling. And the next I knew I'm hanging upside down. My dress covered my face and realizing Zerek's here, I threw my hands up, holding the skirts of my dress to my legs. Zerek was chuckling behind me.

"Hey! It would be nice if you could help me down maybe?" Something shot past me and Zerek grunted. I tried swivelling around but only got a glimpse of Zerek falling to the ground. I started to panic and struggled trying to get rid of the knot. Something shot past me again, narrowly missing my cheek. I continued to try and untie the knot, but it was done professionally. I could not get rid of it. My ankles started to bruise, and my thoughts were starting to turn sluggish. Something was throbbing on my arm too and when I looked at it there was a furry feather sticking out of my arm. My struggling became slow, and my eyes felt heavy. And one thought passed through my mind before I couldn't see anything anymore.

I've been hit.

I felt groggy. My hands hurt and I couldn't move them as much. I groaned and was about to open my eyes, but something shone on my eyes. I tightened my eyes shut and slowly opened them; slowly adjusting to the light. Blinking a few times, I realized my hands were tied behind my back and I'm lying on my stomach on the smooth tiles.

Oh good, you're awake. Kinda was bored at staring at those walls." And by walls, I realized, were the stone-faced soldiers lining up at the sides of the room. I twisted my head to my left to see Zerek in a sitting position. I gaped and started to sit up as well but kept flopping back onto the floor.

"How did you get into a sitting position?" I asked, quite shocked.

Now, that's a secret I'd never tell if I'm going to lose my only entertainment."

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