Chapter 21

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I waved goodbye to Keiko and sighed. It might take a while for me to see those gardens. I turned around and touched the gate and I was quickly transported back to my side of the gate.

And right there, pacing is Zerek.

He looked up just as the door started to close, and he ran up to me and embraced me. I just stood there with my arms at my side, not knowing what to do.

"I thought you'd get your headache again and you would never be able to come back." Zerek stepped back, arms-length apart now and I could now see his concern. I smiled reassuringly.

"Don't worry, even if I did, Christian could've brought me back. But he was a bit creepy." I muttered that last bit and was a bit glad Zerek didn't catch on. I looked up at him and stared right at his wonderful green eyes.

"I'm sorry" we both said in sync.

"Ah, well, you shouldn't be sorry. I was the one who played with your emotions." Zerek said.

"Huh! You should not be sorry for that! You did what you had to do to prevent me from destroying the place. I'm supposed to be apologizing because I had the audacity to tell that you were wrong." I looked down clenching my fists. I really hate admitting I was wrong. Suddenly, my head jerked by the force of two fingers, and I was staring into Zerek's eyes again. His shiny green eyes.

"Well, I guess we're both at fault here." He smirked and it disappeared as soon as it came. He searched my face, his eyes drinking in every detail. His breathing became heavy as his gaze travelled from my eyes to my lips and back. Is it hot in here? A cool breeze brushed against me, but nothing could take away this heat. I gulped as he took another step forward. My breathing also came hard as we were almost one breath away from what we desired most. My heart thudded against my chest and I was quite scared he might hear it. He leaned in so close as if he was about to kiss me -

When the bush nearby us rustled.

We jumped back and away from each other. And when I mean away, I mean way away. Like twenty metres away. The bush rustled again, and a tiny white bunny jumped out. I let out a frustrated yet relieved sigh. Relieved that it was not a person spying on us. And frustrated that I was so damn close! Just thinking about make me blush. Was he going to kiss me? I mean he was; I think. But maybe he second guessed it. I turned to look what he was doing but his back was to me so I couldn't see his expression and how he's feeling. He finally stood up and turned and our eyes locked. For a moment, I just want to run into his arms and kiss him like I've never kissed anyone before. I want to do so many- WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU JUST THINKING KAEYA!!

Zerek cleared his throat and looked as awkward as I felt. "I'll walk you home." He abruptly turned and started walking ahead of me."

"H-hey! Wait up!" I called. I adjusted my bag and ran to catch up with him. But he still manages to walk even faster. I jogged by his side, already a bit tired.

"Dude! Could you slow down just a bit?" I asked. No answer, but his pace became slower and calmer. I stopped jogging and walked beside him, catching my breath. We kept on walking in silence, and it just kept on getting awkward and awkward the further we go. I tried to search for something to talk about. Something to get our mind of...the incident. I looked up at the sky and the stars blinked at me in greeting. Flocks of birds also flew above us, communicating with one another, somehow managing to make as little noise as possible. A cold breeze blew, carrying the trees' leaves with it. But there was something strange about the trees that somehow, I managed to notice now.

"How come the trees here look so dead and bare compared to the one on the other side of the gate?" I mumbled but Zerek somehow caught onto it.

"You know the sun? The light source on the other side? It's like a meal to the plants. If they do not have that often they will eventually die. But having too much can kill them too." I cocked my head, not truly understanding.

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