until you , weakness vs strength part 2

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Chapter 2


I walked through the front door seeing Mum, Chris and Katie, all sitting in the living room.

Charlie followed me in.

"Mia I'm sorry for saying that, I didn't mean it. It's just you not giving me an answer is making me think that you don't want me anymore."

"You can't just ask me such an important thing like this so randomly at my best friend's rehearsal dinner. It was a shock!"

"It wasn't random, I've been thinking about asking you for a while now, with you in my arms it seemed like the perfect moment to do so."

I stayed silent. Walking past my family and into the kitchen grabbing a glass of water, Charlie has followed me in. My family is watching us through the doorway from the sofa.

"Oh Mia, you know I love you so much, I want us to be even closer and I thought you would want this as much as I do. You're always at mine anyway and you even have half of your clothes at mine. Please just give me an answer." Charlie said looking at me with his big blue eyes.

"I need some time to think about this Charlie." I said to him.

"Ok, please do, and let me know as soon as you have." He looks sad and frustrated.

"I will." I said and smiled at him. Then excused myself. I walked away and went up to my room.

I wiped off my makeup and changed into my pjs, then got into bed. I put on my TV and put on Friends.

I sit for a few minutes running everything through my head when I hear Charlie downstairs. He's having work done at his place, therefore he's staying here tonight. He hasn't come upstairs so I'm guessing he is staying on the sofa.

2 hours pass and I'm still laying wide awake, I look over at my window and get out of bed, I open the doors and stand outside on my balcony staring into the dark sky.

A few minutes later Katie joins me.

"Hey you." she said as she put her arms around me.

I smile and say "Hi."

She stands next to me and looks at me.

"So what's going on with Charlie?"

I looked down and shrugged then told her that Charlie asked me to move in with him.

"Wow Mia, that's great .... then why are you arguing and you are up here and he is downstairs?"

"Because I couldn't give him an answer."

"Oh why not? Don't you want to move in with him?"

"Of course I do but it's just not that simple."

"Why not?"

"This house."

"It's just a house."

"No it's not! This is the first home I've had with a real stable family, a Mum, Dad and Sister. And I love living here with you all."

"Mia we are always going to be here, it's always going to be your home no matter where you live. And we are your family and we always will be. Surely this isn't the only reason why you didn't say yes, there's got to be more to it, as I know you love staying at his place with him."

I look down as there is another reason why, but I don't want to admit it to myself.

"Come on Mia. You can tell me."

"I'm worried that it's all too good to be true and he's going to get bored of me. He's been with Supermodels and top classy women. I'm just a photographer who's simple and insecure. I just want love and a simple happy life. I don't want to be the jealous type, but I've seen some of the women he works with such as Lola and others, they are beautiful and stunning, I don't want to always be worried that one day he may go home to someone else instead of coming home to me. I'm scared that he may one day break my heart."

until you , weakness vs strengthOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz