Until you , weakness vs strength Part 3

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Chapter 11


A few days later, it's a family day out. We've been to Ikea looking for something perfect for Mia to have as a housewarming gift from us. While in Dad's car on the drive home the radio is on and Mia and I are singing along to the songs.

I smiled glancing at Mia and saw a white van coming towards us at full speed.

I called out to Dad in sheer panic.

Mia leans towards me, her arm stretches out across me. pushing me into my seat forcefully.

The van comes at us at full speed.

It drove straight into us, into the side of the car with such an impact that the car flipped over. I scream, there is the loudest bang and as the car continues to roll I feel myself moving on the seat, my arms and legs whooshing up and down. I'm so frightened, I close my eyes tightly wishing for it to stop.

And then it does.

I take a deep breath, it's so quiet.

I opened my eyes and looked around.

Dad is slouched in his seat, his head against the steering wheel.

I turned to Mia.

There's a large shard of glass in the top of her thigh and there is so much blood. I grabbed her arm, "Mia, Mia!" She's not moving. Her head is against the door. I undo my seatbelt and as I move in my seat I feel sore and achy. I leant over her, my hand on her shoulder and my other moving her hair from her face, I constantly say "Mia," though she doesn't move. I gently move her away from the window and there is more blood on the window. I moved so I could see her face. She has a really deep wound on the top of her forehead within her hair line. I called her name again and she still didn't respond.

Panic is setting in.

I screamed "Mum! Dad!" I touched Mia's wrist to see if I could feel a pulse.

It was slow but it was there.

Mum mumbles then shakely asks if I'm alright. Mum grabs Dad's hand and shakes him, calling his name. She can see he is bleeding from his head.

I tell her I'm alright but Mia won't answer me and that there's a lot of blood..

Mum takes off her seatbelt and turns around to see me and Mia.

She puts her hand on Mia's knee and calls her name several times. I start crying.

"Katie, we need to stay strong and we need to call for help. Can you see if Mia has a pulse."

"I have she has it is just really slow."

"Ok, good I can feel your Dad's pulse too."

Mum rummages around the floor and finds a phone and calls the emergency services.

I can hear it in her voice, she is really shaky just as I am. I sit holding Mia's hand gently squeezing it hoping for a reaction but she doesn't move at all.

Mum asked if I was hurt, I shook my head, though I've no idea, there's blood on my top but I've no idea if it's mine or Mia's. My body feels numb, though I'm shaking.

Mum holds onto Mia's hand and keeps talking to her and Dad.

She stays on the phone til the Ambulance comes, the Police and a fire engine arrive minutes after.

Paramedics came to the car first and talked to me and Mum. They assessed the car with the Firemen. Breathing masks were put on Mia and Dad.

They helped me and Mum out of the car, as the Paramedics checked us over, I was being asked questions.

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