Until you weakness vs strength Part 5

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Chapter 31

"Sophie, what's wrong?"

"Mia, I need you, I am freaking out!"

"Ok, where are you?"

"I'm outside sitting on the patio wall near the room where we had dinner."

"Ok, give me 5 mins to get some clothes on and I will be with you."

I put my phone down and put on my pj's.

"What's going on?" Charlie asks.

"Sophie is freaking out and is in need of a friend. I won't be long."

"Ok, I will keep the bed warm and cozy."

I kissed Charlie and grabbed the room card then went to find Sophie.

When I get to the patio, she is frantically pacing up and down, her arms flapping all over the place.

I walked over to her.


"Aw thank god." She turns around and hugs me.

"Let's sit down and chill." We walk to the chairs. Sophie slumps herself down.

"It's just all the expectation."

"What expectations?"

"The expectation that once I'm a wife, I'm supposed to be a housewife and do all these wifey things, all these responsibilities. It's stressing me out."

"the only responsibility you will have is to not cheat. Try being pregnant at 19 knowing that you're going to be a single parent. Now that's a responsibility."

"What? Who's that?"

"Bugger, I shouldn't have said that, It's not my place to say but Katie."

"No way! Does she know who the father is?"

"Yes of course."

"Do you know? "

"Well, she didn't tell me who though I think I know who. Anyway getting back to you, there's no way you're going to be stuck in as a housewife, you're too much into your job. And Will loves that about you. If you're worried about marriage changing you, let it but in a way that you and Will want. Try new things; go on holidays, change your weekend routines, have date nights. Spice up the sex in your life; toys, roleplay, in every room, positions, bondage. It's your marriage, play with it and keep doing the thing you and Will love to do."

"Well well well look who's more experienced now. Mia you Kinky Bugger. Charlie is a very lucky man!"

"Charlie brings it out of me." We both laughed.

"Seriously though, are you and Charlie ok? It's just I noticed a little friction between you two earlier."

"Yes things are great now."

"Can I ask what happened?"

"It was me, I just wasn't feeling sexy because of my scar."

"Ah it sounds silly though I understand."

"I was really struggling with how it looked and I got really down about it. But Charlie and I made love this evening and it was amazing, he also kissed my scar so now I see that it's nothing to be anxious about."

Sophie smiled. "Well that's great so you're all loved up again now."

"Yes , we are great again."

"I think we will both be great wives."

"Speak for yourself, you're the one getting married."

"It'll be you soon."

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