Until you weakness vs strength Part 14

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Chapter 121


I am woken by my phone ringing. I sit up and pick up my phone seeing that it's 2am, but it's Mum so I answer it.

"Mum are you ok?"

"Mia, Katie's in labour!"

"What now? She's a month early!"

"Yes now. Can you come here please, we need to get everything packed for the Hospital."

"Yes of course we'll be there as soon as we can."

I hung up and woke up Charlie and grabbed my jeans and top. We got dressed quickly and Charlie drove us over to Mum's.

I used my key and we entered the house. Katie and Chris are sitting on the sofa. Katie's breathing heavily while Chris is rubbing her back. I sat down beside her and held her hand.

"Has anyone called the hospital?" I ask.

"Yes, they know we are coming." Mum called from upstairs.

Mum came down with Katie's bag and baby bag to which Charlie took them and opened the front door. "Come on, let's take my car, it's more spacious."

"Thanks Charlie." Chris said. Chris got in the front with Charlie, while me and Mum got in the back either side of Katie. Charlie gets us to the maternity wing and parks up. A midwife and nurse came out with a wheelchair. As Katie sits in it the midwife looks at Charlie and says "Come on Daddy." Charlie smiled. "No, I'm brother in law." Katie laughed.

Then had a contraction to which she bent over and yelped. We followed the ladies into the delivery room. I helped her onto the bed and I took her shoes off for her. Mum got a flannel and towel out of Katies bag and wet the flannel. Katie screeches out in pain and the nurse hands her the gas and air mask and tells her to breathe deeply through it as it will help with the pain. She took some deep breaths and slumped back into the pillow.

"I feel all woozy and light headed.

Chris and Charlie left the room.

She turned and looked at me.

"Mia I'm sorry about Taylor."


"The baby you lost. Because you were saving mine."

"I didn't know I was pregnant, you did."

"But you're the older one, you're supposed to get married and have kids first."

"If you say that then I shouldn't be living with Charlie until we are married."

"I don't know anything about being a Mum. You're the one that's amazing with kids."

"Well, I'm only good with our cousins."

"I don't know anything about being a Mum and it just seems to come natural to you how you are with babies and children."

"It's all going to come to you in time Katie, plus we are all here to help you." Mum added.

"I don't know anything about fashion or design, but for you it came naturally and I'm sure that being a Mum will too."

"I am sorry you lost your baby though."

"It's ok Katie. This is your time to be a Mum and in time my turn will come."

When Katie is ready to start pushing, Mum and I took over in helping her through it. A nurse came in with an incubator. Katie's face dropped.

"It's ok Katie. Your baby is a month early and may need some special attention when born. This is to keep your baby warm and safe so we can look after him before taking him home." The midwife said.

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