Until you weakness vs strength Part 9

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Chapter 71


It's not long before Mia and Emma soon get back with the rolls, more meat and the vegetable skewers get put on the BBQ and while the food is cooking we start the games.

Cliff, Danny Max and myself play 2 aside Football while Mia, Lucy, Emma and Cecile play Table Tennis. Then we all have a game of Rounder's. We played other games such as; Connect 4 and Chequers, Chess, Giant Snakes and Ladders and Twister. After the games we sit and eat, Danny and Emma have done so much food. Sausages, Burgers, Steak, Pork Chops, Chicken and vegetable skewers, along with Salad, a Pasta, a Rice dish and Jacket Potatoes too. We all have plenty to eat and drink. While everyone is sitting down relaxing after eating I turn and face Mia, I see that Max is standing behind her with a big plastic cup full of water. As I looked at him he looked at me then raised a finger to his mouth and said "Shush."

All of a sudden, Max pours the cup over Mia's head. She gasps and Max and giggles.

Right Max "it's on." She says as she picks up her cup of water and then throws it over Max.

And the water fight begins.

"Don't worry we have a dryer." Emma says to Lucy.

"It's fine, it's only water he will dry." Lucy replied.

Max organised the teams. Team 1;- Max, Danny, Me. Team 2;- Mia, Emma, Lucy.

Cliff and Cecile weren't interested in joining in which didn't surprise me. Just as Danny and Emma start filling up all the cups me and Mia both look at the hose and run to grab it. Mia gets there a second before I do and turns it on soaking me.

"Too bad Charles." She says and laughs as the water soaks me.

Max laughed. "Hey Max, you're on my team, we need to get her." I say pointing at Mia.

We both ran to the table and helped to fill up all the cups. As Cliff and Cecile were watching they were smiling though they still didn't join in. We all got soaked through but it was such a laugh. As everyone is wetting each other I see Mia standing alone looking defenceless so I ran after her. She sees me coming and runs therefore I chased her, as I caught her, I reached out and put my hands around her waist and pulled her in close so we're face to face. Water is dripping from her nose and she looks beautiful, I moved some of her wet hair out from her face to behind her ear, it's almost like everything is in slow motion as I gaze at her looking into her eyes.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

I kiss her as we both have water dripping down our faces. Max called out "Playing with the enemy." As we both looked around the biggest spray of water covered us. Max had the hose pipe on us. We let go of each other and carried on with the water fight.

When the water fight is over, Emma says that Lucy can borrow some clothes whilst hers gets washed and dried and Max can wear something of Danny's. We went inside to get changed, Mia and I put our PJ's on and went back outside to join the others. Max came out in one of Danny's T-shirts that looked more like a nighty on him.

As we sat at the table Danny put the rest of the cooked meat onto the table and we all had some more to eat. As I take a bite of my burger I see Cliff is looking straight at me. As I chew and swallow my food he looks at me. "So Charlie, how did you and Mia meet?" He asked.

"I needed a Photography Company to help with the Marketing and Advertising of my business along with a Personal Photographer. And I was keen to meet Mia after seeing her work. So during a meeting I was introduced to her and hired her to be my Personal Photographer for the contract of 3 months. And everything just took off from there. That day being the best decision I had ever made."

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