Until you weakness vs strength Part 11

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Chapter 91


As I walked through the door into the lobby a few people turned around and smiled then turned back to whom they were talking to.

Joel, one of my colleagues I used to work with during photo shoots came over to me and gave me a hug. I saw Amy too smiling at me from afar. I smiled back at her.

"Mia it's great to see you back, we're all waiting here to meet the new boss. Any idea who it might be?"

"Erm, yes actually I do. Can I have everyone's attention please?" I called out.

Joel looked at me, curiously.

Everyone stopped talking and turned to face me.

"Hello, everyone. It's great to be back at work. For those of you that do not know me, my name is Mia Ward. If you haven't seen me about recently it's because I've had some time off, following something awful that happened to me within the workplace. Previously my position here was the Clientele Photographer, in charge of shoots and meeting with new clients. I need you all to know that my position here has now changed. Due to unforeseen circumstances being; the wrong person was hired for the position that I was actually in line for. This person was wrongly chosen and turned out to be the biggest creep ever. Steve Stenhouse is currently serving time which left Leah our Head Manager a decision that she found very easy. Promoting me to your Line Manager."

"Yay Mia!" Amy called out and people began clapping.

"Thank you Amy. Ya know what, I love working here, I really do. You are all special to me as we are an amazing team. So yes I may now be your boss but I don't want anything to change in the sense of how we all communicate with one another. And I believe that this is really important. If anyone has a problem with anyone or anything I want you all to feel like you can come and talk to me about it. Everything will be kept confidential. And following what happened between Steve and I. I would like everyone to please take part in the online course; What is Inappropriate Behaviour? And Respecting Colleagues. These are 30 minutes long each and I would like everyone to take part in these online courses please. These can be done during your work hours. I will be doing them too. I'd like to ask that everyone comes into work in a smart casual look. Trainers are not acceptable within the offices especially as we do on a regular basis have new clients and other companies here.

Please remember everyone. I'm still me, it doesn't matter what my title is but I do want you all to come and talk to me whenever you would like to. Especially our newbies, let's get to know each other. You will always be welcome because we really are like a big family here, looking out for one another. I would like to end my speech here, Thank you to you all for being here to listen to me ramble on and I hope we all have a great few years together."

Amy and Joel started clapping.

"Mia you will be amazing, we all love ya anyway." Joey shouted. Everyone joined in with the clapping. I smiled and nodded as everyone was happily applauding me..

"Right now to the best part. We will be having the most awesome Christmas Party. (Everyone Cheered). And I have an extra special announcement. I am promoting two very hard working professionals. For the last few years I have had the privilege of working with them both. When they first came here, they literally started at the bottom but over time they proved their worth to the company by putting every inch of effort into everything and have both excelled immensely. Therefore could Mazie Johnson please step forward as my new Clientele Photographer. And Amy Williams as my Executive Assistant."

I started clapping and everyone else joined in. They both looked really shocked. And walked over to me and hugged me.

After congratulating them, I told everyone else to have a 10 minute break then to continue with their work. I asked Amy and Mazie to follow me.

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