chapter 5

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"he's not eligible for a transplant. he's only 90 days sober," richard sighed.
"what about a directed donation?" lexie pointed out. "i'll go get tested right now!" she got another intern to draw her blood and rushed the test. when it came back they were disappointed to see it wasn't a match.
"i'm sorry grey," richard rubbed my shoulder. lexie felt tears forming in her eyes.
"wait! what about meredith?" she realized. lexie looked over to her.
"he's- thatcher isn't my father. well... he's- we're blood not family," meredith explained. "i'm sorry. i'll- i will think about it."

meredith was sitting in the tunnels when mark approached her. "g- meredith?" he began. she turned to look at him. "i know he's not your dad, i know all about dads who never gave a crap. i also know that this will break lexie. you and i both know he won't make it long enough to be eligible. just- do this for her."
"you really love her don't you?" meredith smiled.
"yeah. i think i really do," mark sighed.
"fine. i'll get tested, but i highly doubt we'll be a match," meredith got up to get a testing kit.
"you really love her too, don't you?" mark laughed.
"yeah. i really do," meredith smiled.

the results came back and lexie stared at them impatiently. "go tell thatcher... we found him a liver," meredith sighed. lexie let out a deep breath she'd been holding in. she was relieved. meredith hugged her and went to get admitted. "thank you meredith!" lexie cheered.
"you're welcome. why don't you get kate from daycare so she can meet your dad?" lexie smiled and went to the elevator.

slexie: from the beginning Where stories live. Discover now