chapter 8

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when mark and lexie returned home they didn't talk much. the house felt empty without kate's glowing energy to fill it. "richard said we could take some leave... if you want," mark sighed.
"that sounds... good," lexie whispered back. she was holding a little stuffed elephant. it was a gift kate's mother had given to her before she died and it was kate's favorite.

a few weeks later mark and lexie began to see the damage that had been done to their relationship. "mark i can't be here. i can't be in this house, i can barely even look at you," lexie cried. "you make me think of her. i just- i- i can't do this right now."
"what do you mean?" mark asked.
"i'm gonna stay at meredith's for a little bit. i just need a break from everything. especially from this. it's not you. i love you so much, mark, but i have to walk away from you, for me," lexie wheeled a suitcase filled with her belongings out the door.
"what if i meet someone? what if i fall in love with someone else?" mark called out before she left.
"then i guess that's what was supposed to happen all along. maybe we aren't meant to work out," lexie sighed, and with that she left.

slexie: from the beginning Where stories live. Discover now