chapter 13

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after being discharged, lexie's ptsd went into full effect. she couldn't sleep and she had no appetite. mark and meredith were both worried. the three of them had been living bin meredith's house along with jackson, april, and alex. everyone was walking on eggshells. nothing was the same, everything had collapsed.

mark's phone had been ringing a lot that monday morning. lexie was extremely excited for she was going back to work today. buzz! buzz! buzz! mark was getting yet another call. he declined it quickly.
"why won't you just answer your phone? whoever it is clearly needs to talk to you," lexie laughed. mark's eyes drifted to the entrance of the cafeteria. lexie turned her head to see who he was looking at. to her it was just a pretty, light red haired girl that mark probably screwed at some point in his life.
"lexie... when we were broken up i started seeing someone," mark sighed. that's when lexie realized. "i broke up with her after the shooting. i broke up with her because i am still in love with you."

"mark why didn't you answer your phone?" julia asked.
"what do you want?" mark sighed.
"i'm pregnant mark! you should've answered your phone!" julia yelled. the whole cafeteria turned to look at them. "look i get it if you're seeing someone so i can do it myself," lexie interrupted her.
"oh no he's single. he's very single," she remarked as she got up.

slexie: from the beginning Where stories live. Discover now