8- a reunion

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after technoblade burst through the door, he took the princess to his bedroom on the top floor and laid her in the bed. he was lucky if she hadn't already suffered from hypothermia. he removed his cape before layering blankets on top of her, making sure she would be surrounded by warmth.

the lord sighed while looking at the princess before climbing down a ladder, leading him to the main room. he didn't remember the cabin being this small, but maybe it was the fact that there were chests everywhere. the room around him was noticeably neat... he could only wonder if his roommate was around.

shortly after putting the princess to bed, technoblade got around to brewing an instant health potion along with a few regeneration potions. he made sure he had plenty of baked potatoes in his pockets so the princess could eat if she was up for it. he climbed back up the ladder and sat on the bed next to the princess before he carefully lifted her head and slowly poured the potions into her mouth. after realizing she drank the potions, he set three baked potatoes on the bedside table for when she woke up.

satisfied with his actions, he decided to go back outside and retrieve alexandria's axe, seeing as it was left by the lake she fell into. as he walked across the snowy field, he wondered how much of the ground was solid beneath him. was he actually walking on dirt? or is he atop a thin layer of ice, waiting to break at any moment?

he shook those intruding thoughts out of his head as he laid his eyes on the axe, a few blocks away from the hole. technoblade took a deep breath before slowly making his way to the axe. as he picked it up, he saw the dried blood his finger left roughly two days before.

blood. violence. blood. anarchy. blood. death. blood. god. blood. violence. blood. anarchy. blood. death. blood. god. blood. violence. blood. anarchy. blood. death. blood. god.blood. violence. blood. anarchy. blood. death. blood. god.

the words rang out in technoblades head as he pressed his hands to his ears, "no, no, no, no. stop. stop. stop," he repeated. they had dissipated for the slightest amount of time, and he couldn't bare to hear the voices right now.

while technoblade walked back through the fields, axe in hand, he heard an ear-piercing scream. the voices stopped immediately, and said one word in unison:


lord technoblade broke into a sprint, reaching the cabin in a matter of minutes. as he entered he heard words he didn't expect,

"who the hell are you?!"

"who am i? who are you?!"

technoblade quickly climbed up the stairs and was met with a sight he never thought he would see: alexandria huddled up on the far corner of the bed, and his old roommate, holding a knife.

"tommy, put the knife down," technoblade said calmly.


"put it down or i'll give her the axe," technoblade said, he swore he saw alexandria's eyes glisten at the thought.

tommy's eyes widened and he instantly dropped the knife, letting the sound of cold metal ring out on the floor. his eyes went back and forth from the princess, to technoblade, then back to the princess.

"wait a minute," tommy said, inspecting alex's royal garment, "technoblade did you kidnap the princess?"

"did youu kinnap mee?" the princess asked, trying to get out of the bed. technoblade held his hand up in means to stop her, and surprisingly she complied.

"no i— i'll explain to you everything that happened later, but first," technoblade rummaged through his closet, finding the warm clothing he used to wear, "change into this, but then right back to bed."

"fine. can you turn theheatup anyway? i'm really tired," alexandria said, slurrring her words.

"sure," technoblade ushered tommy out of the room before leaving also. as they made their way to the basement, tommy spoke.

"technoblade what the hell happened man? where've you been?"

the war lord looked at the kid, and then at the floor, "she definitely has hypothermia, she fell through the ice."

"ice? there aren't any lakes-"

"that's what i though until she fell through, i had to jump in and get her."

"okay... but why is she here? why are you here?" tommy asked once again.

"in the kingdom, there's war. we didn't make into the castle before it went on lockdown, so i brought her back here," technoblade mentioned, looking at the door, "tommy, how about you and i go on a walk? we have some catching up to do."

"sure. but what about the princess?"

"just throw a log or two on the fire, i'll be outside," technoblade said before opening the door and leaving. tommy did what was told of him, and met his old roommate outside.

meanwhile, alexandria wasn't feeling too hot, literally. she was warmer in the wet clothing than she is in the dry. also, she didn't know what was going on.

as she tossed and turned in the bed, getting a few minutes of sleep before each twist, she wondered who the blonde boy was. why would he threaten her with a knife? where even was she?

alexandria was sick of asking herself questions, so she decided to get up and look for some answers. as she stepped down the ladder, she noticed many posters scattered on the walls. a few of them were portraits of technoblade and his friends, and others were pictures of pets. there was also a large map on the wall, noting all of the surrounding hills and rivers. however, it failed to mention the lake she fell into.

alexandria noticed there were many chests on the first floor and in the basement, and there wasn't much decoration other than a few lanterns and trapdoors. the only thing that made it feel "homey" was the fireplace in the corner.

as the princess slowly began to exhaust herself, she climbed back up the stairs and into the bed she was offered. she looked around the room and noticed the large number of bookshelves surrounding the area, along with a few emerald blocks. as alex tried to fall asleep, something in the ceiling caught her eye.

"that's a weird place to put a barrel," alex thought out loud. unfortunately for her, she didn't get the chance to investigate it before she fell asleep.

[word count: 1081]

all i have to say is: subscribe to technoblade <3

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(also on my profile)

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