The Uninvited Guest

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Author's Notes: Warning! This part will contain bad language. I'm going to be keeping it PG-13. This part will also be connected to my newest story Helluva Boss: Booming Business. There will be a new part of that story coming out real soon so please stay tuned. I hope you like this part. If you like it be sure to vote it and sharing it is very appreciated. I hope you like it.

Rosa Lustria POV
I woke up with the rays of the outside like beaming down on me. I sat up on my bed and brushed the hair out of my eyes. One of the many curses to having big poofy hair: it gets crazy in the morning. I stood up and put on my robe over my nightgown.
I walked to the kitchen and grabbed the milk from the fridge. I turned round and saw Gorge still asleep snoring on my couch. Guess it wasn't a dream I thought to myself. While she's asleep I might as well hold up my end of the bargain. I continued to think as I drank the milk. Can't believe I promised I'd feed her. She can probably eat out a whole restaurant and still feel hungry.
          "You'd like how much food?" Asked the male imp I called for room service.
          "I need enough food to feed five people." I answered.
           "You have company over Ms. Lustria?" He asked.
           "Yeah. You can say that." I answered nervously. At least it's good to know not many saw her walk in with me. At her size you can probably see her from Heaven.
            "Ok we'll have breakfast up as soon as possible Ms. Lustria." He said.
           "Thank you." I said and hung up the phone.

Some time goes buy.

           I better wake her up, the food should be here soon. I thought after getting my hair under control. I walked over to her sleeping body as stood there amazed. I'm surprised she can even stand. I grabbed her arm and started shaking her to wake up. As I shook her her whole body started jiggling. I actually chuckled a little at the sight of it. She woke up.

Gorge POV
             I woke up from a movement of being shaken. I open my eyes and see what I thought was an angel. As my eyes focused I saw it was Rosa.
           "Morning." I said yawning and stretching.
          "Good morning." She said stepping back. "I ordered breakfast it should be here any minute." Not long after she finished talking there was a knocking noise.
          She walked over to the door and let in the imps carrying the food. They brought in the breakfast on carrying carts and on silver platters. They placed what they could on the huge kitchen island in the middle of the kitchen and left the rest on the carts.
Did I die again only this time I went to Heaven? I thought as I saw and smelled the food.
          "I didn't know what you liked to I ordered a bit of everything." Rosa explained as the imps finished bring in the feast of a breakfast.
           After the imps left we sat down at Rosa's long rectangular table. 10 to 12 people could sit at this table. Rosa sat at one end of the rectangular table and I sat on the other side. And we began eating.

Rosa Lustria POV
            I sat there eating my waffle and watched as Gorge at on the other side of the table. I was amazed at how she just stuffed her face with food. She didn't even care that the syrup or whip cream was dripping down on her.
          As I swallowed a piece of waffle I asked "The food good?"
         "Very." She said with two pancakes in her mouth. "Best food I've had since I've been here."
          "Yeah it's good. I heard a rumor that they get real ingredients from up there." I said pointing up. "Don't know if it's true though."
         "Well whatever it is it's great!" She replied. "Food here isn't as good down here as it is up there but but I still love it."
         "It's hard to remember food from up there. It hasn't even been that long for me." I said after eating another piece of waffle.
        "Yeah me neither." She replied.

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