The Dumpster

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Author's Notes: Hi! It's been awhile hasn't it? I'm so sorry for the long wait. I was on vacation. But don't worry. I have returned and I'm ready to continue my story. So here we go. As always this is PG-13 and will contain bad language and some suggestive material.

Rosa Lustria POV
       I drove through the city to the address Gorge left for me. She lived not far from Mimzy's Club. I look at that place more fondly these days. I pulled into the parking lot and walked to where her building was. As I walked down the street a homeless imp was giving me what I like to call "I want you eyes."
    "Hey there tits! Wanna have some fun?" He said to me ask I attempted to walk past him.
    "You can't afford me." I say walking past him.
    "I may not but I sure am enjoying that ass of yours!" He laughed to himself.
     I sighed as I continued to walk. This part of the city wasn't exactly the kind of place someone like me comes to. Unless it's for work. I looked up and saw a big billboard of the Killer Queens Club with a bit picture of Roxy laying on her left side blowing a kiss to anyone who looks at it.
     "Pampered bimbo." I muttered under my breath. I then reached the apartment complex Gorge lived at. It was a three story building.
    I stepped inside and walked pass the lobby where the manager sat behind his desk. "Hey there blondie whats your business here?" He asked with a cigarette in his mouth. God I hate smoking. I thought to myself.
    "I'm here to see Gorge." I answered.
    "She's on the top floor. Room 305. Stairs are are down the hall." He answered while redirecting his attention to a magazine titled "Big, fake, and plastic."
     "Thank you." I said before heading to the stairs. As I walked up them I started thinking Does she really walk up these stairs everyday? She must be out of breath every time she reached another floor.
     I reached the top floor and I walked to her numbered apartment. As I walked I heard the sounds of tv, arguments, and crying babies inside all the other apartments. I found apartment 305 and I knocked on the door.

Gorge POV
      SHIT! I thought as I heard a knock at the door. I quickly got up from my couch and I waddled to the door. Before I opened it I looked back and saw it was a mess. There was empty fast food wrappers everywhere and it smelled like rotting garbage.
      I opened the door and saw Rosa standing there. She looked just as beautiful today as she did when we first met. And everyday I've seen her. Just by the look on her face I saw she smelled the inside of my apartment.
    "Hi Rosa!" I said cheerfully. "Come on in." I said invitingly.
    "Nice to see you again." She said stepping in. "Cute place you have here." She said looking down to avoid stepping on trash. "I'm sorry I came so early. But I got a call saying I have to go into work tomorrow."
     "Oh it's ok." I said trying to draw her attention from the mess. "I-I ordered us some food from GlutHub. It should be here soon."
     "Wonderful." She said walking towards my couch.

Rosa Lustria POV
      This place is worse than I thought I thought to myself. Don't be rude Rosa. She is your friend. Or at this point is she more than that? I honestly don't know.
     I walked to her longer couch that was vertical to her tv. While she returned to her small yet big enough for her couch which was in front of the tv. I could hear the floorboards and her couch creak from her weight.
    "I'm sorry about the mess." She said sounding sincere.
    "It's alright." I said taking a seat on the couch. "Believe it or not this is actually better than most motel rooms I've had to stay at."
     "You mean when horny lovers pay you to suck them off?" She said jokingly.
     "Exactly." I said thinking about all the shitty motel rooms I've had to stay at with my clients.
     Gorge then put on tv and a commercial for some imp business started playing.
     🎵We do our job so well. Because we come straight up from Hell!🎵 Gorge sang with the commercial's jingle. I looked at her with amazement and shock. Her voice was unexpectedly beautiful. She sounded like a cowgirl singing with her southern accent. An accent I've grown to love since I met her.
      "Sorry about that." She said with her face turning more red. "I really like that jingle."
      "No no. It's ok. You have a beautiful voice." I said looking into her eyes.
"Thanks." She said looking into my one eye not covered by my hair.
Another knock on the door was hear and a delivery boy from GlutHub gave us five bags of food. Four of which were for Gorge.
She paid for the food and placed the bags of food on her small square table and I told my seat across from hers. The room was then filled with the smell of greasy fast food. It was a spell I don't smell very often.
"Now I know it's not like the fancy ass lunches and dinners you probably have everyday but it's just as good." She said taking her seat. Her stomach mouth stayed closed.
"Out of curiosity how do you afford this place anyway?" I asked taking out a burger and fries from one of the bags.
"Remember I told you I used to work for Val?" She said shoving a burger into her mouth.
"Yes." I said taking a bite of my burger.
"I worked as his as he put it 'garbage disposal.'" She said putting up air quotes. "Basically if anyone pissed him off he had me eat them. He paid a lot too. Since I got fired I started using my money to pay for my food. I don't pay rent because I threatened to eat the landlord."
I chuckle with food in my mouth. "That's pretty funny." I said after swallowing.

Gorge POV
"And let me tell you. This food tastes way better than that slut I ate." I said after devouring the burger in only three bites and began the next one.
"Why did you eat one of his girls anyway?" Rosa asked me after eating a single French fry at a time.
"I was working for two days straight with no breaks and no lunch breaks." I explained. "She was just standing there and she looked so good. And then the next thing I know I had half her body in my belly before Val caught me and fired me. I finished eating her before I left."
Rosa looked at me in astonishment. "So you really are just hungry all the time?" She asked as if she didn't already know the answer.
"Yup!" I said after taking a big gulp of my soda. "Alway eating unless I'm asleep."
"I can't say I've ever met anyone with an appetite like you." She says taking a small bite of her food. I wish I was that burger right now. I thought I myself.
"How did she taste?" Rosa asked to my shock.
"Like alcohol and a lot of jizz." I said chuckling.
"How do you think I'd taste?" She asked causing me to almost choke on my food. I looked at her and even she cringed at her own question.
"Probably like roses and whatever beauty tastes like." I said. I'd like to find out. With the thought circling in my head I could feel the tongue from my belly mouth licking its lips.

Rosa Lustria POV
That's a good answer.
"Wow. I can't say anyone has ever said that I'd taste good before." I said. "Ok well many have said that before but let's just say they were eating parts of me that they chose to."
"Well if you ask me they're unworthy of eating a feast like you." She said with genuine sincerity.
I could feel my face turning red. I couldn't tell if it was because I was with Gorge or that I was eating a drive thru burger. Either way I couldn't have been happier.
"You know if you ever find yourself back at the club again," I said "come look for me. I'd be happy to give you a discount on my services."
I could see her face turning red. Or more red than it already is.
"T-thank you." She replied. "I promise not to eat you." She said jokingly.
"That's going to cost you extra." I replied pulling back my hair to reveal my other eye. And with both eyes visible I gave her a wink.

Gorge POV
I could feel my skin turning darker. Although I couldn't see my face I could feel it's warmth. I also could feel a sensation. An overwhelming sensation. Not one for hunger but one for something different. Something I haven't felt in years. Something no food, no dessert, or drink could measure up to.
It was something that shared the same first letter of her last name. It shared the second letter of her first name. It had the first letter of what we have in our pants. And shared the last letter of my name. And together it spelled "love."

Rosa Lustria POV
She turned so red I couldn't believe it. Her altered skin became darker. She even stopped eating after seeing this. She was so cute when she blushed. Her chubby face turning darker from my flirts made it all the better. I could even tell she wanted to say something back but couldn't find the words.
This had to of been the most real and most genuine I've ever felt about someone in my life. I love my friends Jez and Mooni. And I love being Angel's friend but something about Gorge was different. Was wasn't just another client I was paid to bang or another friend I made at the club. This was someone I really care about. Someone I, for lack of a better word, love.

Author's Notes: And this concludes the newest part of my story. I really hoped you liked it. And I hope it was worth the wait. As always please feel free to tell me your thoughts on the story in the comments.

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