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I'd like to apologize for my lack of publishing lately. I've been rather busy but I'll work hard to get more content published. I appreciate everyone's patience. So yes another part of this Hazbin Hotel story. All the same rules as my other the other parts still apply here.
Happy Hotel
Héctor POV
      I got dressed for the day rather quickly because A) I woke up late and B) because Angel has come up with my final test to help me prepare for my date with Balún.
      Unfortunately all he said was for me to be ready by 7 AM and to "play along." Meanwhile my skeleton ass is getting ready at 7:30 and he isn't here yet.
      My head quickly turned to the door as I heard a knock at it. I quickly put on clothes. Unfortunately my usual outfit is with Niffty who has agreed to sew it up on the condition that I don't make another mess.
     I put on a pair of jeans and a t shirt that had the words "Size doesn't matter." on the front and "Or does it?" on the back. I opened the door and what I saw we definitely a sight to see.
    "Well, hello my handsome skeleton." Angel said completely dressed in drag. My face blushed so much I could feel it. He wore bellbottom pants and a crop top that revealed his fluff cleavage which popped out. His face was covered in makeup like glittery eyeshadow and red lipstick. And on top of his head he wore a big blonde wig.
"A-a-Angel?" I managed to utter out of confusion.
"Who's Angel? It's just me Stephanie you silly!"He said playfully pushing me back.
"Uhh what is this?" I said confused.
"What the hell are you doing Angel?" I heard Vaggie ask from the hallway.
"Ugh! I'm trying to help Hécty! He needs help for his date!" Angel said frustratedly.
"Does Charlie know you're doing this?" She asked.
"Of course she does! Now can you please let me help him?" He asked pulling me into the hallway.
"Just don't get into trouble." Vaggie said walking away.
"Ay dios mio, she's scary." I said taking a breath of relief.
"No idea what Charlie sees in her." Angel said crossing his bottom set of arms. He then cleared his throat. "So how's about we go on that coffee date you promised me?"
"Oh uh! I guess we can go." I said trying to play along.
"Great! The car's outside!" He grabbed my arm and lead me from my room to the lobby and out the door.
The car looked vaguely familiar. It looked like it came from the 80s. The doors were covered in bullet holes and scratched up paint.
I got in the driver's seat while Angel got into the passenger seat. He struggled to fit his big hair inside but he managed. I looked and saw two little bombs hanging from the rear view mirror. It was the. That I realized why this car was so familiar. It was Cherri Bomb's car. I haven't seen it since I got kidnapped by the Killer Queens.
Thankfully this car was from my time so I knew how to drive it. Thank God my mom helped me learn to drive.
We drove into the city where I was directed to take us to a coffee chain called SuccuBucks. We parked and we walked in. We placed our orders and took a seat as we waited for our orders to come up.
"Oh Hécty I'm so happy you took me here!" He said taking my hands.
"Well you know me!" I said awkwardly. "Only the best for my Stephanie."
"You're so sweet." He responded.
I got up and got our orders as they called for us and returned to our table.
"So tell me, why do you love me?" He said taking his coffee.
"Oh uh.." WHY IS THIS HAPPENING!? I mean it a little hot BUT STILL! "You're very sweet and cute.... and...."
"You really think that?" He said in a cutesy voice.
"Y-yes I do." I said.
"Oh shit." He said quietly looking past me.
"What?" I said trying to look back before he grabbed my head and turned me around.
"Just keep looking at me." He said.
Just then five demons walked at our table and surrounded us. One was a bull, another was a shark, two were weasels, and the final one looked like a troll.
"Well well well. Look who we have here." The bull said.
"Thought you could just put on a shitty disguise and hide from us?" The shark added.
"This is art you sack of sardines." Angel responded.
"Yeah!" I added in support but still feeling scared.
"What's up with the pile of bones?" The first shark asked. "Some protégé?" The second shark added.
"Looks like a limp dick loser!" The troll said.
"Look you pervs that was a one night stand." Angel said holding his cup of coffee. "You hired me, I screwed you all, and you paid me. There's nothing else."
"Incorrect," the troll said "you left without giving us a goodbye kiss."
I snickered. Both sharks pulled out switchblade knives which resembled shark teeth. I then kept quiet.
"Hey! Leave him out of this!" Angel said rather loudly causing the coffee shop to get quiet.
"We will if you do what you were supposed to do!" The bull said pointing his finger into Angel's fluff breasts. I could see his face go from concerned to anger.
"Héctor," he said. "get the car."
"Can't exactly do that." I said nervously.
"Hey!" The bull said slapping Angel in the face. "Focus you jizz drinker!"
"You want something?" Angel said making direct eye contact with the bull. I braced myself.
Angel quickly threw the coffee into the bull's face causing him to yell in pain from the heat and and stepping back. Before I knew it the sharks took away their knives and tried to stab Angel to which they failed when Angel bashed their heads with the wooden chair he sat in.
I fell to the ground and crawled on the floor and made my way out the door. To get the car. I quickly started the car and drove it to the front of the coffee shop. From the windows I saw Angel fighting them while all the other customers watched the fight.
After he got them all on the ground he ran out the door and rushed to the car. I floored it and drove as fast as I could.
     "WOO! That was awesome!" Angel said.
    "Oh God! Vaggie is gonna kill is when she finds out!" I said panicking before pulling over once we were far enough from the SuccuBucks.
     "Calm your skeletits." Angel said trying to calm me down. "She's not gonna find out."
     "Oh god!" I said "I screwed up!"
     "Whadoya mean?" He asked "Those jackholes were after me not you."
    "I should've done something!" I yelled. "I should've said something! What if that happens on the real date? They could hurt Balún! Or worse!"
     "Woah woah woah! Calm down." He said using his arms to gesture for me to calm down. "Those guys were twice your size! You would've gotten your skull cracked!"
     "You think that matters to me?" I asked. "I have to protect who I'm with! If I don't then they'll know I failed them! And then they'll.... then she'll..."
     Angel said nothing.
     "I need to make sure not to screw up." I said trying not to cry.
     "You're allowed to screw up." He said. "She can't expect you to protect her from every dumbass who comes at you two. I can tell you really like her and from what I've seen she likes you too."
     "You really think she does?" I asked rubbing my eyes.
     "Yes I do." He answered in support. "And if she doesn't then it's her lose."
"You sound like my mom." I said.
"You can call me mommy if you want." He said playfully.
"Nope! You made it weird. Let's go." I started the car and began to drive back to the hotel. As we drove back we passed by an old rundown gun shop. I took a look and saw an imp walking out of the shop. This imp looked familiar.
   "Hey Angel," I said getting his attention "doesn't that imp look familiar?"
   "Oh yeah! That's the imp who was helped us when we were with Rosa!"
    I rolled down the window and honked the horn "Hey! Yeah you!" I said pointing at him.
    He looked to us and I saw him smile a little. He walked to the car in the middle of the street. Cars honked at him but he didn't care.
   "Bone boy!" He said getting to the car.
   "It's Héctor." I said "And you are?"
    "I know you're name. I'm just pressing your buttons." He said. "I'm Jax."
     "Right Jax!" I said.
     "Who's the broad?" Jax asked pointing to Angel knowing its really him.
     "I'm helping him get ready for his date." Angel answered.
"You gotta date? That's awesome!" Jax said excitedly as cars honked at him.
"Yeah I do." I said blushing.
"We should catch up sometime. I'd love to hang with you!" Jax said.
"Oh well here's my number." I said reaching into my left pocket to grab my wallet. The stoplight was green but I didn't care. I gave him a little card with my number.
"Thanks. I'll hit you up sometime. See ya around!" He said walking back to the sidewalk.
"See ya Jax!" I said as he walked.
I drove the car back to the hotel. After we reentered it Angel offered me to join him in his room to watch tv with him. Being me I accepted. I wasn't sure what was to come but what I did know was I was excited for my date. Only two days left until the big day.

In Balún's room
Balún POV
"I think this would look good on you." Ash said holding up as purple skirt with green polka dots."
      "Yeah I think you're right!" I said taking the skirt. "It's gonna be a bit of a squeeze."
      "That's what she said." Ash said floating a live my bed.
     "You know that's not what I meant." I said. "I'll have to deflate and reinflate when I have it on."
     "You want me to blow you up or....?" She asked playfully.
     "No thank you. I'll have him do it." I said with a smile.
     "Where is he taking you anyway?" She asked.
    "This cute circus themed amusement park," I answered "it's gonna be fun! I think it's based off that Loo Loo Land place in Greed."
     "Shit, Mammon is desperate." She said.
     "And because I know you're gonna ask no you can't come." I said a little sternly.
     "Why? You don't want me to watch you two?" Ash asked lowering herself on the bed.
     "Uh absolutely not! I don't need you hovering over our date!" I said attempting to push her to no avail seeing how my hand goes through her.
     "Fine!" She said frustratedly. "I'll leave you two alone.  But if he pops you and leaves your deflated body on the side of the road I'm gonna haunt his ass for all eternity."
     "You're such a good friend." I said taking a seat on the bed. This date was going to be exciting to say the least but I can tell I'm gonna have fun. I hope it goes as well as I'm imagining it.

Aww how sweet! Two sinners getting ready for their date. How do you think it's gonna go? Feel free to say in the comments! I can tell you it's gonna be excited to see! I hope you liked this part!

Hazbin Hotel: Back In Business Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt