Prologue: Balún

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         I. Love. Balloons. The look of them. The colors. The different shapes. They're amazing. Since I can remember I have always loved balloons. I was born in Ireland but my parents decided to move to America because this big company offered my dad a great job.
          I do have a small Irish accent but nothing like my mom and dad. Growing up was fun because other kids would love to hear me talk with my cute accent. But then they would tune out as soon as I start talking about balloons. They find my obsession over them a little weird.
        My love for balloons started when I was five. Mom and dad took me to a circus for my birthday. And it was the most amazing thing I've ever seen. But there were two things that stood out to me. The balloons and the clowns holding those balloons. So I kinda lied. I love clowns and balloons.
         Unfortunately as I mentioned that doesn't sit too well for other kids. They made fun of me and called me names like "Balloon Girl" and would put balloons in my locker. And unfortunately things didn't get better when I got into high school.
        It was the start of my sophomore year that things started to change for me. Students wouldn't just pick on me because of my obsession but also because of how my body looked. I was thin. Like no breasts or butt. While all the other girls had both. I guess to Rebecca and her friends if you don't have either of them you're not human. I hated Rebecca. She always thought that because had the biggest breasts and butt in the school means she's better than everyone else.
          As the year went by October can around and I heard that Rebecca throwing a Halloween party and that gave me an idea. I already had an idea of what I was going as but now I had the an even better idea.
         You see I was already going as a clown this year but I had a better idea. If Rebecca and her friends wanted me to be as big as them then I'll be the biggest girl at the party. How was I gonna do that? I'm gonna wear an inflatable suit under my clown costume. There was this weird store in the mall that sold costume stuff and one thing that was there was an inflatable undersuit that can inflate the breasts and butt part of it.
         I used the money I had to buy the suit and bought an extra large clown costume and a big purple wig just for fun. An hour before I left for the pet I began getting into my costume. I wore the inflatable suit under my oversized clown costume. I painted my face white, wore a purple clown nose, and painted big purple lips on my face. And I put on the wig looking ridiculously huge. After I knew I was ready I left for the party.
        When I arrived I walked through the door and saw kids from school partying like crazy. When I found Rebecca I shouted to her with confidence "Hey Rebecca!" and just like that the part stopped and everyone looked at me. "You wanted me to fill out well check this out!" I pressed the button I held in my bad and the suit began to inflate.
        Everyone stood there in awe of what they were witnessing. I loved it. And when it was done each breast and butt were the size of weather balloons. "Now I'm the biggest girl in school!" And the kids went wild. They went back to party even crazier than before. I immediately jumped in while Rebecca stood there confused as what she just saw.
       I started dancing which was surprisingly easy in this suit it was having the time of my life until I felt a tap on my shoulders.
      "Let's fill you up some more." said Rebecca sinisterly. And just like that her friends grabbed me by my arms and legs and Rebecca shoved a tune into my mouth and on the other end of that tube was a tank of helium. And there's one thing I know about helium. Inhaling too much of it can be very dangerous.
       But I couldn't do anything about it. I felt all the air rushing into me and I started to get light headed. And I began to doze off. And just like that I passed out.
      When I woke up I found myself lying in an alleyway. I stood up and everything looked red. I walked to the other end of the alley and saw what looked like monsters and demons. It didn't take me long to realize where I was. I was in Hell.
      "Woah." I stopped myself when I heard my voice. It was high pitched. I sounded like I just inhaled helium. I walked past a car and saw my reflection. I looked the same. I looked skinny and my skin was still white. My lips were normal but my hair looked completely oversized. I started to hyperventilate but as I did I noticed my belly started to blow up.

     "What the hell is happening to me!" I screamed in a high pitched voice

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     "What the hell is happening to me!" I screamed in a high pitched voice. I ran into what I'm guessing was some kind of night club. I accidentally ran into a man in a red suit and ran into the bathroom. I've never been in such a disgusting bathroom. I pressed my belly any air began to come out of my mouth and just like that I was back to being skinny.
      I had no idea what I was going to do. But then I heard knock on the door. I nervously opened it. And I saw him. The guy in the red suit I ran into.
      "Hello there." He said. His voice sounded like an old radio. "Based off your face I'm guessing your new to Hell." I nervously nodded my head. "Well my dear welcome to Hell. I'm Alastor. I saw what happened to you outside and I think I can help you not only understand your strange gift but also help you with your new life!" He spoke cheery but I felt scared.
      "My dear I know things may seem scary right now but I can assure you with my help you're gonna love this life more than your previous one." I had no other choice. I stood up and followed him out of the club.
       "So what do you call yourself my dear?" asked Alastor.
       "Call me Balún." I replied. This was the name my mom called me as a kid.
       "Pleasure to meet you Balún."
       We walked down the street to what I'm fussing was his car. As we sat down in the car he noticed I was frowning.
       "Word of advice my dear. Wear a nice smile. You're never fully dressed without one."
         And just like that the car was off. And so was I. Off to my new life.

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