The Question

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Author's Notes: And here we are again with the next part of the story! As usual this will be PG-13. No NSFW. Let's see what happens here! Last time Héctor blurted out a question to Balún and now let's see what her answer will be.

Charlie's limo
Héctor POV
     Balún stared at me with a blank face. I quickly glanced over to Angel and Charlie who were still talking to each other. Oh thank God they didn't hear that. My face was so warm it felt like I was on fire!
"Will I what?" Balún finally asked me.
God damn it she heard the question!
    "I-I -I.." I couldn't form the words.
    "It may be the big hair but it almost sounded like you asked me in a date." She said. "Is that true?"
    I nodded my head to answer.
"Aww how cute. You wanna date me!" She teased.
"No- I mean I do- but wait-" For the love of God, Héctor stop stuttering!
"Use your words." She said.
I took a deep breath and calmed myself.
"Yes." I said straightening my back and puffing out my chest. "I was wondering if you'd like to go out with me."
"To answer your question yes." She said "I'd like to."
No freaking way! I thought.

Balún POV
Bone boy looks like he's about to have a panic attack. Better say something before he faints.
    "You don't have to do anything special," I said. "it could just be a small mini-date. A mini date on Friday and we can go on a real one the next time we can go out."
    I could see the gears in his skull head turning. He was definitely processing what I was saying. 
   "That's a good idea." He responded.
"Good! Then it's a date." I said as a cherry on top of the conversation.

Héctor POV
    We finally returned to the hotel after what felt like an eternity in that limo. As we walked in Balún walked back to her room. I saw Angel and grabbed his arm "Can I have a word?" I asked as I pulled him into my room without giving him enough time to answer.
    He quickly sat on my bed and I started walking across the floor of my room.
  "So are you gonna drop your pants or..?" Angel asked getting comfortable.
  "What? No!" I answered. "I just asked Balún if she'd like to go on a date with me! What am I gonna do!? I didn't think she'd say yes!"
   Angel started laughing. "You don't got a lot of experience with girls do ya?"
   I say "No I don't. The first girl I had a crush on friend zoned me when she found out I liked her."
  "Yikes!" Angel said. "Good thing it wasn't before you died am I right?"
  "Yeah! Totally! Long before I died." I answered knowing that was a lie. She did that to me a week before I died.
   "Ok kid I'll help. But just so you know I'm not one for dating girls." Angel explained. "I'll dress like one and charge extra to service them but otherwise I don't do girls. But I will help you."
   "Thanks Angel. I really appreciate it." I said.

Balún POV
     Wow. A date thats not for work! Have I died and gone to Heaven? Of course not. I thought to myself.
"If you're trying to scare me don't." I said seemingly alone in my room.
"Boo! For a clown your such a party pooper." Ash said revealing herself.
"Yeah well I gotta get to thinking." I said.
"Say what!?" She said sarcastically. "You think? But you're just an air head sex doll!"
"No I'm not." I said attempting to punch her arm but my hand goes through her arm. "Or at least I'm not like those ones made at the factory. Besides no sex doll can beat the real thing like me."
"Careful Balún," she said "if your ego gets any more inflated you'll pop."
"As I was saying I gotta whine about what I'm gonna wear. I gotta date coming up!" I said.
"Ooo. What's his name?" Ash asked.
"Héctor." I said cheerfully.
"Bone boy?" Ash asked.
"Yup! He asked me out when we were on our way home from the mall." I explained.
"How cute." Ash said as I got on my bed. "You gonna blow yourself up so he can deflate you again?"
"Oh don't worry. If things go well he'll get something better than me inflating." I said with a playful grin on my face.
    "Uh oh." She replied. "I know that look."

Héctor POV
     "I don't see the point in doing this!" I said from the bathroom.
"Stop being a baby and measure it already." Angel said from outside the bathroom.
"You know when I asked you to help me with this whole date thing I kinda thought you'd give me like hair style suggestions or clothing advice." I said as I measured my nether regions.
"Trust me Hécty once I know what you're working with we can get down to business." Angel said.
I come out of the bathroom and whisper to him the measurements.
"Ok that's good. We can work with that." Angel replied. "So to start you need to act like a gentleman."
"I was raised to be one." I said "My mom taught me how to act kindly and all that."
"Sounds good but based on what I can tell you turn into putty when you see a hot gal." I began to blush after he said that. "You nearly jizzed your pants just looking at Rosa."
"Yeah talking to girls isn't something I'm good at. Or at least ones I have a crush on." I said sitting on my bed.
"Here's what I'll do kid." Angel said putting his two right arms around me. "We can call it for the night and tomorrow I'll give you some real advice. Besides you look like you can use a good night sleep."
"Thanks Angel. I really appreciate it." I said sincerely.
"No problem. You have a good night now." He said before kissing me on the cheek and leaving my room.
I changed into my night clothes and processed everything. You go to the mall, you hang out with a girl, and then you asked her out! I thought. At least now I have a professional helping me. Wait does being a pornstar count as being a professional at dates?
I got into bed and thought only about Balún. I wasn't sure exactly what it was about her that I just liked so much. All I knew is that if this mini date we have planned on Friday goes well then maybe, just maybe, I'll have a girlfriend.

Author's Notes: Things are getting interesting now! Will Héctor's be ready for this date with Balún? Will Balún feel the same way about Héctor? Will Héctor face the shame of being friend zoned again? You'll just have to wait and see. I hope you liked this part.

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