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Author's Notes: This part will be focusing on Rosa Lustria. If you don't remember what happened she made a small appearance in my Helluva Boss story and she took care of the imp known as Jax. After the I.M.P. pick him up Rosa heads to work where this story starts. As always this will be PG-13 with swearing. I hope you like it.

Rosa Lustria POV
        After Jax left with his imp friends I got in my car and drove to work. Val had me dance at one of his most popular clubs called Lustful Beauties. The exterior of the club was lit up with bright neon colors. Inside there was three stages for any of the workers to dance on while horny customers would love and throw money at us.
        I love this job. Not just because I'm loved by so many but because you never know what's gonna happen. One time a demon tried grabbing me but the bouncers came in and through his ass out. I feel pretty safe knowing they'll protect me.
        I walked backstage and saw the other girls who work with me. Many of them work at Val's studio like Mooni. Mooni was a cat looking demon with a good build and a sexy figure. Didn't help that her chest was flatter than a table too and her ass was non existent but she still seemed to have quite the fandom when it came to being on stage.
"Hey Rosie!" Mooni said to me. Rosie was a fun little nickname she gave me. Not to be confused with the overlord Rosie. She's a completely different person.
"Hi Mooni." I said changing into my more revealing clothes for work.
"Haven't seen you in days." She said. "How did the blind date go?"
Shit I forgot I told her about the blind date. I thought to myself. "It went well. We went on two dates." I answered.
"Aw how cute" she cooed. "I bet she's a real sexy one isn't she?"
"Yeah. Really sexy." I said. If you consider someone being 600 times your own body weight then yes. She's very sexy.
"I hope I get to meet her one day." Mooni said. "You said her name was Gorge right?"
"Yup." I said getting a little annoyed.
"Is it short for GORGEous!?" She shouted.
The other girls stopped their chatter and looked at us. "Yeah you can say that." I responded.
"Do my ears deceive me or did I hear Rosa went on a blind date?" I high yet lovely voice said. Walking in was my other friend Jezebel. She's been in this business longer than Mooni and I. Jezebel made a reputation at this club. Why is that? For her huge ass. Her nickname around the club is Big Booty J or BBJ for short. Also didn't help she had long black hair and was a more humanoid looking demon. Only think keeping her from looking completely normal was her blue skin and two inch horns.
      "Yes Jez I went on a blind date." I said.
      "How exciting!" BBJ said.
      "Yes. It was indeed... exciting." I said.
      "If everyone is done gossiping like high school cheerleaders I'd like to make an announcement." Said another familiar voice. It was Demonica the manager of the club. Everyone sent silent and gave her their attention. "Just thought I'd let you all know that we'll be having a special guest coming soon."
       "Who's the guest?" Mooni asked.
       "A friend of Val's. Some big shot demon who thinks she can become an overlord." Demonica answered.
      "When is she gonna be here?" BBJ asked.
     "Not sure yet. But I wouldn't worry about it too much." Demonica answered. "Everyone just do your part and look sexy." She then left the locker room.
Demonica was a good boss. She didn't treat us like crap or abused us in anyway she just encouraged us and made us feel good. I don't know if it was her sexy body or the fact that she was a cute butterfly looking demon but I wouldn't mind dating her. She looked humanoid with butterly wings and an orange and black pattern. Even her short orange hair stuck up like antennae.
      We finished getting ready and it was showtime. The club lit up with flashing neon colors and spot lights drawing attention to the hot performers on stage.
      Mooni and BBJ always draw large crowds. Sometimes employees would have some fun with BBJ and place a glass of beer on her ass pretending it's a table. Surprisingly it works. You could probably place a plate of food on it and it would be just as affective.
      Mooni would walk around the club either waiting for someone to get her attention or for her to choose someone. She had a lot of fun doing it. The other male and female performers gather large crowds.
      But the real show started when I came up on stage. I usually come out on certain days but I come out later in the day and even at night toward weekends. Today I walked out on stage wearing 10 inch high heels and my more revealing outfit.
      All demons of Hell come just to shower me with love and affection. Showering me with their money. It felt like I was on top of the world.
After I finished up on stage I joined Mooni and BBJ back stage so we can walk around the club. Each of us walked around different parts of the club. Mooni flirted with a group of demons sitting together around one of the tables. BBJ sat with a succubus at the bar. She struggles to sit next to her because her butt takes up two chairs.
     I approached this one hunky shark demon when I looked towards the front door and saw something unexpected. It was Gorge. What isn't the name of Satan is she doing here!? I asked myself.

Gorge POV
   Son of a bacon wrapped hotdog she saw me! I thought to myself as Rosa and I locked eye contact from across the club. I knew this was a bad idea. I began walking her way passing horny demons and dancers.
    I took a seat and waited for her to come over. She walked towards me. I could only see half her face that wasn't covered with her hair but I can tell she looked nervous. She looks hot when nervous. Her outfit was more revealing than anything else I've seen her in.
   "Hi. I didn't think you'd be here." Rosa said stopping in front of me.
   "I thought maybe I'd come by and see where ya worked." I answered.
   "How did you know where I worked?" She asked after looking around the club.
   "I saw your Voxtagram posts." I answered.
  "Who's this Rosie?" Asked a cat demon.
  "Girl she look like she could eat me and still be hungry." Said a blue horned demon with the biggest ass I've ever seen.
   "Mooni, BBJ this is Gorge... my blind date." Rosa said hesitantly.
"H-hi." I said nervously.
"It's a pleasure to meet you." Mooni said surprisingly.
"Yeah Rosa's told us about you." BBJ added.
"Perhaps we can get better acquainted in a private room." Rosa suggested.
"No it's ok this won't take long." I protested. "I just wanted to talk to Rosa."
Rosa's friends stood down and Rosa lead me to a private room for us.
"What is it you wanted to talk about?" She asked in a somewhat angry tone.
"I just wanted to come see you." I said.
"Well you're seeing me." She said.
"I definitely am." I said checking out her rocking body.
"I'm sorry if I'm being rude." She said. "It's just we've gone out twice and you stayed at my place. And last night I was in a bad situation. It's been a lot."
"Wanna know what I do when I'm in a bad situation?" I asked.
"I'm guessing sitting on the couch eating and pretending it's not happening." She answered.
"Yeah pretty much." I said and together we shared a small laugh. "You're friends seem nice."
"We're actually getting together in a few days at my place if you want to come." Rosa offered.
"Really?" I asked.
"Yeah!" Rosa insisted.
"I'll have to look at my schedule but I think I can make it." I said. I stood up to leave the private room when Rosa gave me a hot whistle.
    "Aren't you gonna pay me?" She asked sitting on the private room couch crossing her legs.
   "Why? You didn't dance or take your clothes off." I protested.
   "No but you did have a conversation with me. Which is just as good as both of those." She said.
   I signed which turned into a chuckle. "Ok fine I'll pay you." I reached for my wallet from he ripped jean pocket. I pulled out some money and put it between Rosa's breasts.
  "I-oh. Uh thanks!" She said turning red.
  "Thanks for the fun time." I said playfully with a wink as I left the private room.

Rosa Lustria POV
    I took a big breath of relief. At least she wore something more presentable. I walked out of the room and walked backstage where Mooni and BBJ were waiting for me.
    "She seems nice." Mooni said.
    "Don't be like that." I said.
    "Oh come on Rosa she's kinda cute." BBJ said. "In a really overweight kinda way." She laughed.
    "Jez be nice." Mooni said lightly punching her arm. "Rosie clearly likes her and you should be respectful and supportive of her."
    "Thanks Moon." I said sincerely.
    "I know I'm just kidding." BBJ said. "I really am happy you met someone nice."
    "Ok you two don't get ahead of yourselves," I said. "I never said I liked her."
    "Oh really?" Mooni said. "I suppose you just turn red as an imp on command and like putting money between your boobs for fun."
     I blushed even more. "Ok you got me there."
     🎵 Rosa and Gorge sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G!🎵 BBJ sang.
     I slapped her butt "Ok just for that you're going to horny jail!"
    "Just because you played a police officer in that one movie doesn't make you a real one." Mooni said.
    "Oh come on Moon. It's fun!" BBJ insisted. "Oh please arrest me Officer Lustria!" She said playfully.
    "Ok now you made it weird." I said.
    "No I didn't!" She said.
    "You kinda did." Mooni said.
      After a little back and forth between the three of us we eventually went back out and continued to do our work. They occasionally teased me about Gorge and although it was all fun and games I was worried what they thought about me. I've dated many different demons, succubi, incubi, even an imp!
      To get my mind off it the three of us took a group into a private room and proceeded to make love to them. After work I plan to go home and try to get my mind off it even more. Although I was a little mad Gorge came over I gotta agree with Jez. Gorge is kinda sexy.

Author's Notes: And this concludes this part. Looks like some feeling are starting to form between our love birds. Only question is: Will they ever confess their love to each other? You'll just have to wait and see. Next part of this story will be out soon. Currently working on the next part of my Helluva Boss story so please stay tuned for that. It should be published in a few days. Feel free to comment your thoughts on this part. I hope you liked this part.

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