Pinky Promise Part 20

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Rick invited the people from Woodbury to stay for dinner to thank them for their help fixing the gate.  With so many people they were using the prison cafeteria for the first time.  Carol had used the deer meat to make what could pass as a pot roast.  

She'd used flour brought back from the farm to make gravy and added canned carrots and potatoes and it was probably the best thing Beth had tasted since the stale nutrigran bar she'd had the day before.

Taking the baby from Daryl so he could dig into his food Beth stood from where she sat with him, Carol, and Merle and made her way to where Sasha sat with Maggie and Glenn.  "Sasha, would you like to hold, Judith?" Beth asked.

Smiling Sasha nodded standing to take the baby, "I was hoping to talk to you a minute," Sasha requested.  "Sure," Beth agreed as the two women walked across the room to the windows.  

Biting her lip Sasha cleared her throat, "I owe you an apology," she started, "I shoulda never assumed what I did about you and Daryl.  The way you took out those walkers earlier and watching him care for this little one," Sasha smiled looking down at Judith, "Rick has said twice now you two have been taking care of her," she commented.

Shrugging she gazed at Judith before looking at Sasha, "When I found out, I was so angry at Lori for getting pregnant.  Couldn't understand why anyone would willingly bring a baby into this world but then her mother died giving her life and now when I look at her she's my reminder that life is precious.  After what I had to do to make sure she lived I feel like she's my responsibility; that I owe it to her mother," she explained.

"And I get how Daryl and I could look to others but it's so much more," she continued, "I coulda went my entire life in the old world and never found someone like him and that woulda been sad," she told her smiling, "My daddy said one time I make Daryl even more dangerous but I think we make each other dangerous because we have each other to live for and protect."

Taking a swig of water Ben watched the guy, JD, watching Beth talk to Sasha across the room, "Dude little friendly advice I'd listen to Merle; look elsewhere man," he commented, setting his water down.

Laughing Carl agreed, "Yeah Beth's kind of off limits."

Scoffing JD looked at the younger two boys, "Only cuz she hasn't had options," he said cockily.  Smirking Ben shook his head, "Listen I've only known them a few days and I can already tell you you don't have a shot," Ben assured him.

"Well, I've known them way longer and I'm telling you you definitely don't have a shot and I'd steer clear of pissing Daryl off," Carl added around a mouthful of deer.

Watching Sasha hand the baby back to Beth before leaving the two by the window JD decided to take his shot, "We'll see," he said grinning as he stood and made his way over to Beth.

"Cute kid," said a voice from behind her.  Turning from where she was holding a dozing Judith Beth smiled politely, "Thanks, I like her," she answered.  

"Don't know if you remember, it was kind of chaotic when we met, I'm JD," he said introducing himself again.  "I remember," she told him nodding, "Thanks for helping with the gate," she acknowledged.

"Oh yeah no problem," he said leaning against the windowsill next to her, "So you know there's plenty of room at Woodbury no need for someone as beautiful as you to be sleeping in a prison alone," he said smirking at her, "You could stay with me if ya want."

Blinking Beth almost laughed at how cocky he was being, "Well as flattering as that sounds I'll have to decline the offer, and you can rest your mind; I'm not sleeping alone," she told him smiling, "If you'll excuse me, Judith's due for a diaper change," she said walking away.

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