About me

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Hello everyone my name is Destiny Mitchell and I'm studying to get my degree in associate business/Arts. Im from the Islands but live in titusville fl also I like to write poem, book, and plays. I also have several other degrees like child care, computer tech, theology and CNA. I love helping people in need like homeless for instinct. Also love creating activities for children so the can keep there mind active and not always on video games. I've recently just got my position back as a Sunday school teacher happy about that. It give me great joy knowing that I put smiles and positive vibes on there faces. But enough about that I decided to come back to school because I decided I want to be my own boss, not that its bad working for someone it can be fun to work for someone but I want to be my own boss cause it easier. Also you can make my own hours, don't have to worry about if I'm up to earlier or to late but also for my future little ones as well. I also came back to school because I have a positive team to back me up and cheer me on. My grandma is one of my big support team she has always been there for me since I was first born into this world. Then there is my fiance who supports me as well tell me I can achieve anything that I set my mind on which I know but I just love to hear him say it. But enough about me I'm just happy and proud to be apart of this class and university. Anyways its nice to meet everyone and hope to meet some of you in person one day.

I'm from the islands don't live there anymore I stay in titusville florida. Also no I didn't get all these degrees from AIU. I got one from my Sunday school teacher who was also my theology teacher

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