What Is Your Inter Beast

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What Is Your Inter Beast is it something that just comes out when you are very angry or just because feel like someone is betraying you. What Your Inter Beast is it something you count on to build your confidence and give you the courage to say what you have to say a annoying situation that you just can't take anymore. Have you ever wanted to know why that inter beast comes out anyway, then you look in the mirror with an confuse look on your face and be like why this type of mood, What sick side of the family did I get this from . Then you continue to thinking, asking/saying why and what they had going on and who passed it on to them, how and why did it even have to start in the first place. Then you take one more look in the mirror, by then I'm praying to Jesus so that he can lift whatever this thing is because, I feel like I'm being punished and not only that but cursed all in one. What Is Your Inter Beast is it an interuption of ingorance that you wish can just go away forever, that yo can just put in a box in put on the shelf for when you actually need it like a special pair of shoe you only use for special occassions. Why can it be just for that why does it have to be an emotion, why do it even exist in the first place. All it do is build up a hatrage that i dont want to exprience ever in my life. What Is Your Inter Beast

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