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What encourages you to get of bed in the morning and live your life. What encourages you to be brave for me my family, What encourages you to have confidents in what you do or say, Is it your surroundings or is it just who you are or was taught. What encourages you to to have a positive attitude when you wake up in the morning is it life, spirituality, friend or your surroundings once again. What encourages you to be you is it yourself, wisdom you heard from grandparents, mother,father, or just ramdom folks, or what you were taught when growing up in this world for me it was my Grandma she is very wise. What encourages you day by day and night by night. What encourages you to do your best and to the best ability you know how? For me its me because I like to challenge my mind. What encourages you to do what you do now in the life your living in now? What encourages you
Sincerely @ Destiny Mitchell

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