Have You Ever

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Have You Ever thought to yourself what I'm going to do in my future or what will happen to me in about ten years. Have You Ever listened to music just to calm you down because someone irritated you or made you mad that you just wanted to rip their skin off just in a figure of speech type of way. Have You Ever song your lungs out just to keep yourself from crying in your family die or a real close friend you knew practically from birth. Have You Ever just stared into space wondering what happens to be you, that you just feel like the world has turned it back on you and just felt out of place until you feel like you just been cursed or life just gave up on you, that it feels like everything is just crashing and just went down hill. Have You Ever been somewhere that you ever felt a place like, for instant or going to a different Country to where you feel like an exchange student from Indiana, Africa, or Sedan that you just feel like the world has frozen and pull you straight to the future or some type of time zone. Have You Ever been in a situation that was unnecessary that you shouldn't have been in but one of you friends put you in the middle of it and ask which one of us is right. Then you have to come up with excuse something like I have a lot of work to do and my grandparents want me home at a certain time, so I'll catch you guys later. Have You Ever

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