When He Wonder's

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When He Wonder's have you ever thought to yourself and be like I wonder what he is thinking is it about me, I hope it is with that sexy smile on his face. When He Wonder's while he looks at you smile ask you a question but, next thing you know he gazes off with that face again and be like oh I'm sorry wifey I was just thinking about something exciting bout us. When He Wonder's you wonder did he just tried to butter me and what is this he was excited about to it had him thinking so hard and full of joy so you just do the same with full enthusiasm and excitement even though you don't know why. When He Wonder's why you play hard to get but he like to be tease and you know so that's why you do it even though you know he can't he can't handle it even though he thinks he can. When He Wonder's his mind be wondering all other the place especially when he misses you and your not around to keep him focus when he need to be. When He Wonder's why your lips taste so sweet and smell like candy, the you laugh whispering in his ear saying while his hair on the back of his neck as you whisper I can't tell you then it want be a mystery now would it he giving you a smile while biting on them juicy lips showing his perfect white teeth. When He Wonder's when you gonna get home so he can have dinner ready for you when you get home, and having Rose pedals with candles all around the bedroom and kitchen just as well as the bathroom with a little bit of wine or champagne toast to go with it. When He Wonder's when those three little words gonna come out his mouth or how he should say it to or even practice it just before he get down on his knees and proposes to you don't just want to know When He Wonder's.

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