Can't wait to see you

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Can't wait to see you is it because the feeling you give me when I'm around you or, is it just the company vibez that I get when you come around me. Can't wait to see you because we good together we are like to peas and a pod like we were put on this earth just to be together at least that's how I feel anyways and in some way I think you feel they same ways too. Can't wait to see you it's like you are the stars in my eye the I can't wait to see shine or is cause you make me feel like I'm the only person on earth feeling all warm inside. Can't wait to see you because I feel like I can be just me when I'm around you I don't have to pretend I can just be me. Can't wait to see you cause every time I'm around you I feel like I'm in a fairy tail like you Romeo and I'm Juliet or you I'm Beauty and your the beast cause you're mind do be blowing me. Can't wait to see you because you're the light of my sunshine and the smile on my face all uncontrollable. Can't wait to see you just because you make me feel safe and protect like nothing can touch me no matter how visible I am to the world. Can't wait to see you just cause you make me laugh even when I'm having bad days or feel like I'm at worst, somehow you flip that script every time, question how do you do that? Can't wait to see you because you like that little breeze that comes through on the perfect sunny day that make you relax and be like I needed that or like that perfect campfire in the winter time so my feelings to that is I can't wait to see you

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