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Why do people ask, is it because they are curious or do they just want to know things. Why do people ask when they are first born into this world and how they acted as a child. Why do people like teenagers ask what was their first word and when they started talking or also they ask if they were funny looking or was they a ugly baby, is it because the have doubts about themselves, low self-esteem or is it because it was what say's about you when you showed them your picture that change your prospective or positivity on how pretty you knew you were until they said, something negative or something that hurts your pride self-respect, character of who you are or were , personality or self-esteem of how you thought you were beautiful, unique, smart, reliable, strong, confident, special, positive, respectable, or even likeable to your friends and Familia. Why do people ask how come you only start talking a little between one to three years old, but fluently and not when they are first you are first bore or why do they cry when they are first born. Why do people ask do you know or understand the gibberish as a baby, before they know how to speak. Why do people ask wh7y are there so many languages or races in the world and how they were we all created into this world, for me I believe how it say it in the biblical way. Some people believe in the flying bird who snuck baby in the room inside a baby crib that the adults prayed for in the bird came into the room in put the baby into the crib, or even some believed that a fairy bring them in because a parent made them from a wish because of what they were told as a child, which I thought was pretty funny when I heard these stories, me personally never asked but was sat down by my labuela and my father told me about everything which I didn't need to know anyways. Why do people ask how was this world made or do you think eventually animals will start talking because they know to do sign language, trained to do tricks, how do they know how to care for a baby when a baby is unattended by a parent, even know how to dance, or even how to jump through hoops and sword fight. Why do people ask where do, they come from or who where their last ancestor and do they have any famous so
they can do a history project report or Familia tree project for English or science class. Why do people ask when they are between one through three ask a lot of question like, why do this, is this mine, where is mi mama and papa, shake their head or say I don't want it, stick out their tongue and fold their arms and say you are mean or even why do I have to go to sleep and they don't, and it's not fair. Why do people ask what created the Big Bang Theory and all the planets and us how even how or where we really descent by? Me personally again also thought it was biblical from the bible where it talks about Adam And Eve who started all the population out the Garden of Eden of which Eden by the way is in Africa if you didn't know. Why do people ask like grown folks ask what do you want to be when you grow-up or ask so you think you know everything doncha you? For you who think the answer is yes I have answer for you, because you don't know everything, that you are still learning in this world and that there people in this world that is much, much, much smarter and wiser then you, like for example you grandparents great grandparents, and
your great great grandparents who can tell you things you may never see or will never experience in your life but yet you know everything. I bet you don't even know or even what it feels like getting whoop with one of those wide paddle they use to beat children with and you had to been cross the table while everyone watch you cry humiliated right and, then when you got home you got a whooping from your parents just because your making them look like you have no home training then you find out what the rest of you consequences are after the whooping and, Why do people ask.

Sincerely @ Destiny Mitchell

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