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When you ask yourself do I have enough love to go around and then you think what do, it cost and you remember that Love Don’t Cost A Thing. But when you feel like everything, everyone trying to box you in but then you come back to that same thought that Love Don’t Cost A Thing. It hurtto know that some people they just love you for what you got or want you for what they can get from you well listen up here I came to let the whole word know that you need to learn to love yourself first and that I learned to love myself, then others who needed it to know that they are loved or teach them about love. Love to some people are just family love and that’s all that means to them but other than that they think no one in this world care about them, but all I tell them there is someone who care about you and love you that there is a God in Heaven who loves you and when you think about that, that’s all you really need in life. I had to learn and I do mean really learn that Love Don’t Cost A Thing. People do have love from their Parents but you always don’t have that love but,you have to remember that Love Don’t Cost A Thing. Then there is Grandmas love is always like Christmas love it’s that warm feeling compassionate and safe kind of love but, you have to remember that  Love Don’t Cost A Thing. Then there’s that love you share with people surrounded by you like Church Families, Friends, Cousin, Uncles, Aunties and you’re Godparents those kind of love is always a love you can never forget but you have to remember  Love Don’t Cost A Thing. It’s hard to find true love people say, I say ha I think people just don’t look hard enough to find true love or even try to find true love at all, but that’s just my opinion I guess. But to me if you want love and I do mean truly true love you have to go out there and find it yourself or if God chooses your Husband/ Wife for you that’s the only way. If you ask me people today in his world don’t even know what love is, if you do please tell me what you think I would love to hear you decision, cause don’t you all people today in this world is all they know is about sex like that’s what love mean because, when the man is done majority of the time is leave cause they done use you and got what they needed for that season and do you really needed that in your life. Is it really that important more than living and getting an education to make your Life better not only just for you but your kids or future kids too. If you want to know my opinion is you don’t have it in your life I don’t and I no don’t
need it in my life you can do without but that’s just my opinion, but you have to go back to that thought and remember once again that Love Don’t Cost A Thing. 

@ Sincerely, Destiny Mitchell  

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