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Have you ever been with someone who can make happy but crush at the same time to where you get butterflies in your stomach, Then when you finally grow your friendship but also this friendship turns into this relationship not only do this man became more then just a friend but intwine. Candy Lips, when your relationship gets close and you have your first kiss with this man and he said you have candy lips and it taste like strawberries, you laugh and he ask how do you do that and you laugh, then you say my candy lips are my secret, then y'all laugh some more and you have this blush on your face that comes on your face naturally not the one you put on your cheeks yourself. Candy lips, to some man think candy lips are an turn on to them, which I think it is cute, not only do you have the advantage but you can tease them as well which I think it's funny. Candy lips, so when it comes right down to these so, called candy lips also, with that being said, when these men come up with like I think it's cute but also funny and sensitive which, is adorable. But most important when their shy for you but at the same time, he still want to know how do girls get them candy lips. How are they shiny? How are they so soft? How are they so smooth? But most importantly how juicy they are, then we go back to that question again, how do you have these candy lips? Personally I like that about the men well some of these men, not only are they shy, kind, and respectable but, they heart is pure and sensitive but. That is what I like. But the most important part I like is they always ask is, how do you have them candy lips.
Sincerely @ destiny mitchell

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