Why Do People Hate

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Why do people hate, where do it all come from is it taught, learned or is it just angry that they had it all bald up for year. Why do people hate, is it selfishness don't have what you have or is it just plan old hate. Why do people hate, is it jealousy that makes them that way of what you accomplished and they didn't, when they had the same accomplishments you had and they just waisted their life away. But who the blame for that really, them right but they have to find someone to blame so again, Why do People hate, is it because they feel like no one cares or loves them in this world, but do they know that they are loved. I know me, personally that you already have someone who loves you before you come into this world and that's the Lord and his son Jesus are your first two love. Next, that's supposed to be your parents right and let's not forget your grandparents love that special kind of love that smells like fresh cinnamon pumpkin spice in the morning, feels like heaven in your eyes at least for me anyway. Why do people hate, is it because they never learned love or learned about the Lord or taught about faith and hope also, about peace, worthiness and true quality of blessings are, but over all where love truly starts, to me personally it starts with you loving yourself and know who you are in your own skin first. Again I'll ask why do people hate

Sincerely @ Destiny Mitchell

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2023 ⏰

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