Where Do I go From Here

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Where do I go From Here do I wait and see what comes my way or do I just try to reach for the stars myself and with the man up above. Where Do I go From Here do I go on the road and help other people in the help and guidance of my wisdom or do I stay and become a stray. Where Do I go From Here do I help some of my own family successful in life to let them know street life ain't the best life and you can do better or should I not waist my breath of atheistic mind and once again wisdom. Where Do I go From Here, travel the world live my own life be proud of what I accomplish and move on with my life and be excited with the enjoyment in my heart that I know I deserve and push myself to make my dream come true or do I just waist my life by raising other people children which I'm positive I'm finish with situation for sure. Where Do I go From Here ask the people who children I raised why they never think or gave me no type of support or even money which it was never about but would of been great if they offered or do I just let them get away with and not tell them how irresponsible they were and they weren't parents but donors to their children that's why they don't show respect. Where Do I go From Here do I go around the world praying for people that ask to be prayed for and want to know about Jesus and sing to the children of this world just like Jesus did or should I just be like the world is today selfish just like these rich people who worrying about people who give their money to other country besides Canada they donate money when you have your own country starving especially, all these war hero's I see on the street right here in America who need your help where do they do that at oh right here in the United States of America, which shouldn't be they put their life on the line for and think about the ones who did died. Where Do I go From Here America Not only do I but everyone in this country needs to know why or are you not going to answer that either. Where Do I go From Here do I just keep silent of my thoughts or make them be heard but not just for me but for everyone who thinks exactly like me. One again America if the United States Where Do I go From Here.

Sincerely @ Destiny Mitchell

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