Chapter 10

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"Has anyone found anything?" Violet asked. Everyone shook there heads. Huey, Violet, and Webby were reading, while Lena and Dewey were scanning all the shelves (which would take a long time, considering the library is 5x the size of a public one) for books that might have to do with magical or cursed objects.

A moment later, Dewey said, "Wait! I got something!" Everyone rushed over to him to see what he found. "The Sword Of Experience. This mythical sword has the power to make it's user the most skilled swordsperson in the world." Dewey read. There was a sketch of a sword, next to the inscription. It was shiny and the hilt was made of diamonds. "That looks like the sword in the hallway by the laundry room!" Webby said excitedly. Everyone nodded their agreement.


Everyone went back to reading, while Dewey went to fetch the sword, and Webby went to get a sword too, so she could have a sword fight with him and find out if the myth was true. When they returned, everyone gathered around to see if it would work. Dewey lifted the sword upwards and it started glowing. The light started at the tip of the sword, traveling down to the end of the hilt, and then starting on Dewey. Dewey felt a tingling sensation in the pit of his stomach, that quickly grew. Once the light had engulfed him completely, it shattered like it was glass, and the pieces faded away.

Holding the sword in one hand, he swooshed it around. However, this time, it was much faster and Dewey was more agile. Webby made moves, but he kept dodging. He finally made a move and they fought for a while until, as surprising as it was, Dewey won. "Amazing!" Dewey exclaimed.

"Alright! Now, let's go find some more things that can help us." The group went back to reading.

"I found something!" Huey exclaimed, a few minutes later. Everyone rushed over to see what he found. "The Book Of Truth. This mythical item has the ability to answer any question truthfully. It may not have the answer to a specific problem, it can answer a bigger picture. It is activated when a question is written in it's blank pages." Huey read. Next to the inscription, was a picture of an old book with a brown, leather cover. "That looks like the book in the drawing room!" Webby said. "Yeah, but how would it help us?" Lena asked. "Well, it may help us figure out how to stop Louie from escaping or something." Huey said. The rest of the group nodded.


Everyone went back to reading while Huey went to grab the old book. When he returned, everyone gathered around. He got a pen and wrote down a question.

Who am I?

The words sunk into the page, and then golden letters started to appear, as if someone was writing back to them. (Imagine Tom Riddle's diary)

You are Hubert Duck, son of Della Duck, and brother to Dewford Duck and Llewellyn Duck.

"Wow! It really is truthful!" Huey said. "Ask it why Louie left." Violet said.

Why did Louie leave us?

The book wrote back with golden letters.

He left because he was tired of you. Llewellyn Duck was never mentally your brother.

The group was both sad and puzzled by this answer. "Ask what it's talking about." Dewey said. 

What does that mean?

The book wrote back.

Llewellyn Duck has never felt like a brother to you. He felt no relation to anyone but her, and was annoyed easily by many. He was alone but for her for many things, and preferred it that way. He was tired of how you acted, so he left.

"What? That can't be true." Huey said. "Who is 'her'?" Dewey asked. Huey wrote the question.

Who is 'her'?

The book replied.

She is a magical element. An element he related to. She chose him to stick to for a curse that lives on.

"What?" they all questioned. "A curse?" Huey repeated. "It still didn't say who 'she' is." Dewey pointed out. So Huey asked.

What's her name?

The book wrote back.

9516718, also known as, Chloe.

"What's with all the numbers?" Lena asked. Huey wrote.

What is 9516718?

The book answered.

9516718 is a F.O.W.L experiment. An experiment that was later cursed.

"F.O.W.L's involved?!" they all exclaimed. "Louie must not know about this thing's past. He would never associate with anything F.O.W.L related." Huey said confidently. "Yeah...but, what if he knew..." Dewey trailed off.

"Well, let's find more items." Webby said, trying to break the tension. They all nodded and went back to reading.

After a few hours, they each had an item. Dewey had the Sword Of Experience. Huey had the Book Of Truth. Violet had the Flute Of Illusion. Webby had the Wand Of Wonderment. Lena had her magic, which she insisted was enough.


The Flute Of Illusion. This mythical item can create any illusion as long as the correct melody is played:

 This mythical item can create any illusion as long as the correct melody is played:

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The flute was orange, and around the holes it was white.


The Wand Of Wonderment. This mythical wand was made from the most treasured items of the 3 most hated people in the world. It's user would automatically know every spell in the world, and could cast the spell with the wand.

The wand was made of a crystal and the handle was covered in pearls. A golden ring was wedged on the top.


Louie and Chloe had been spying on the group. "I guess they know now." Chloe said. "Yeah. But it doesn't matter anyway." Louie said. She nodded. They were both surprised at how many items the group had learned to use. "Won't that be problem?" Chloe asked. Louie smirked. "Nope."

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