Chapter 12

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Chloe hadn't thought about what the Book Of Truth had told the group earlier. The stuff about her. 'Stupid book. Why am I going through all this trouble for you!?' Chloe thought.

"Busted." Chloe whispered.

With Louie

Louie had cast the same spell he had cast when spying on Lena so he could see how it went with Chloe. And so far it had not gone good. "Anddd there goes that." he sighed. Then he smirked. "Let's see just how much the former shadow can figure out."

Back With Chloe

"So you're a shadow." Lena said. "Thanks Captain Obvious." Chloe replied sarcastically. Lena rolled her eyes and said, "What lies have you filled his head with?!" Lena demanded. "Lies? Who?" "You! We know you're from F.O.W.L! What nonsense have you been telling him?!" Lena said. "Mhm. And just because I'm from F.O.W.L, I'm supposed to be evil? Look who's talking. The shadow of Scrooge's worst enemy." Chloe countered. Lena stayed silent.

"You don't seem surprised we know your secret." she said finally. "Mhm. That's 'cuz I'm not. You think you're the only one who can spy?" Chloe said smirking. "You were spying on us?!" she shouted. "Yes, but I have the feeling I wasn't supposed to say that. Whatever. Anywho, back to the topic. How can you see me?" Chloe asked. "Can't everyone see you?" she asked. "No." Lena thought for a moment. "Well, the book said you're a magical element. And I'm made of magic. So maybe that's why I can see you." Lena guessed.

"Alright. Well, that's all well and good, but I need to get going. Things to get, ya'know." Chloe said. "Wait!" Lena shouted. Chloe stopped. "Why did you come here?" "Um...that's classified info, got to go, bye!" Chloe rushed, disappearing from the wall. And just like that, Lena was left alone in the room, with only her thoughts to acompany her.


Chloe went down the hall. She heard voices coming from one room, and discovered everyone in a big bathroom. They had put makeup on and looked like weird creatures. Chloe went behind Huey. Luckily, no one was looking her way. She thought heavy thoughts again and became solid. No one noticed her. She reached out and quickly knocked off his hat. Then she became un-solid again.

Everyone turned toward Huey. When Chloe knocked off his hat, all the stuff in it fell out and made a loud noise upon hitting the floor. He apologized and gathered up his things. Chloe attached herself to Huey and became his shadow. When he had his back to the Book Of Truth, she became solid and reached out to grab it. But Webby noticed the shadow taking a form of it's own and jumped on it. "Ow!" Chloe squeaked. She gasped, but she was the only one to notice the strange shadow. Chloe quickly became un-solid again, and the book turned shadow too.

"The Book Of Truth! It's gone!" Huey said upon noticing it wasn't on the floor or in his hands. "That shadow took it!" Webby exclaimed. "What shadow?" Violet asked. "That shadow! Huey's shadow grabbed the book and it turned to shadow too!" Webby exclaimed. "I didn't see anything." Dewey said. "But I did!" Webby insisted.

Chloe took the chance and unattached herself to Huey and left. She went back to Louie's room, appearing on the wall. Louie was sitting on his bed.

"About time. Heard you had a run in with the former shadow." Louie said. Chloe rolled her eyes, tossing him the book. "We both know you were watching me." she said. Louie smiled and opened the Book Of Truth. He grabbed a pen and started writing.

What connection does Webby have with F.O.W.L?

The book wrote back in glowing letters.

She is an experiment, a clone, same as your best friend. Meant to serve a purpose to them.

Louie wrote again.

How did she end up here?

The book answered.

She was stolen from F.O.W.L by an agent from their sworn enemy.

Louie wrote more.

Who stole her?

The book replied.

Agent 22, also know as, Bentina Beakley.

"What?!" Louie shouted. "No way! Mean housekeeper revealed to have kidnapped child!" Chloe said. Louie was in too much shock to roll his eyes at her remark. He quickly wrote one last question.

Who was she cloned from?

The book answered.

Scrooge McDuck

Louie was in shock. "No way.." he whispered. "Twist!" Chloe squealed. Then something came back to her, hitting her hard.

"That's it! Webby is PROJECT87_April!"

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