Chapter 15

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Agent Sharp was sitting at her desk, drinking coffee and sorting through files, when her office phone rang. "Hello? This is Agent Sharp." she said. Della's voice come from the other side. "Hello, Agent Sharp. Louie just escaped and-" "What?!" She spit out her coffee. "How did he escape the ankle monitor?! And how did he get past all the defenses?!" she exclaimed.

"We're not sure about the ankle monitor, but the kids say he had friends who came to get him. They fought each other, but a strange pack of shadow wolves we encountered the other day came back and attacked them. It seems Louie and his friends shot some kind of darts at them that put them to sleep, allowing them to escape." Della explained. "And this all happened when?" "Last night. The kids only woke up this morning and told us." Della said. Agent Sharp shook her head.

"We have a plan that might allow us to track him." Agent Sharp's eyebrow rose. "Oh?" she asked. "Yes. Apparently, he had a phone. We're going to try and call the people on his contacts and see if we can keep the call on long enough to track the phone." she explained.

Agent Sharp nodded along with the plan.

"I'll keep researching possible places he could be." she said, before hanging up.


Louie and his gang had immediately headed to Crime Central after they left the mansion. Crime Central was a place only criminals knew of. It's basically an underground city, where criminals can rest and stay without being discriminated or arrested. They headed to the Crime Central Metro. The metro was a subway that went to different Crime Central branches, which were usually under big cities.

They were about to get on, when Louie threw his hands up. "Oh, come on! I left my phone!" he shouted. "And?" Lloyd asked. "We have to go back!" he said. "You wanna go back because you left your phone?!" he asked incredulously. "I have all your contacts on there." he said. "Oh." "Yeah."

They went to the underground bar to make plans.

"Don't answer your phones, no matter what."


Della had called Agent Sharp as soon as they had made plans.

Scrooge had gone to an unavoidable meeting.

Mrs. Beakley had gone to make breakfast, saying it would be easier to make plans on a full stomach.

They went up to Louie's room, but when they tried to open the door, it was shut tight. "Hmm. The knob turns all the way, but the door won't open. It's not must be stuck." Dewey said.

But Lena had another theory. One she'd had for quite a while. "Wait, let me try something." Lena said. Dewey nodded and got out of the way. Lena concentrated hard and shot a beam of magic at the door. "Lena!" Webby shouted in surprise.

But to all their surprise, the door remained tightly shut. But this time, the door shimmered in a green aura.

"I knew it!" Lena said.

"What?" they all asked quizzically. "Louie. I don't know how, I don't know when, but somehow, he has magic. Magic more powerful than mine." Lena said.

They all gasped. "But-but, how?" Huey asked. "That's impossible! You have to have magic in your blood to use spells, unless you're using a magical artifact." Huey said, flipping through his JWG.

"How can he be more powerful than you? You're made of magic! Literally!" Webby exclaimed.

Then Lena had an idea. "If I suck the magic out of those magical artifacts we were using, I think I'll have enough magic to open the door." she said. They nodded and went to the foyer to retrieve the objects. When they came back, Lena told them what to do. They placed the artifacts in a circle around her. She concentrated as hard as she could, harder than she ever had before. She mumbled a long incantation. Then the items lit up all at once. They lifted into the air and a beam of light shot from each one to Lena. She was lifted off the ground and her eyes glowed white light. After a few moments, the artifacts had given up all the magic they had to offer, and slowly returned to the ground, followed by Lena.

"How do you feel?" Webby asked. Lena thought for a moment. "Powerful. Now, let's get this door open." She concentrated hard and shot a blast of magic at the door. The green aura revealed itself once more. After a few moments, the door was blasted off it's hinges. They walked in and looked around the room.

The bed was unmade, and a couple of green hoodies were on the bed. There were 2 phones on the dresser. "He has two?" Dewey said. Lena picked up a phone and turned it on. "There's a password." she said.

"Try Treasure." they replied simultaneously.

Sure enough, that was the password, and it opened.

"Now, let's see what we can find."

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