Chapter | SIX

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The happiest people do not have the best of everything, they make the best out of everything they have.

A week have passed and today marks my first day of working as housekeeping staff, I was assigned to a massive house in Hannam while Yoori - my supposed partner in crime took the smaller house near Hannam The Hills, we agreed on just focusing on one - house - one - person method than cleaning one house together just so we would be more focused and it would be easier to move around after familiarizing ourselves with the house.

"Ji A, I'll call you later. I am already here, just tell the boss that I'll do the car show in Myeongdong next week. You know I need extra cash. I'll hang up now." I mentioned before disconnecting the call.

I took off a few treads from the address but even from afar, I can already tell that it was a huge house - now that means more work for me.

I push my phone inside my bag after that phonecall, the modeling gig from Wednesday and Thursday were bomb - the fact that it was my first ever car show, I was assigned to one of the most luxurious brands from the US - compared to other car models who wore eye-dropping outfits, I wore a fitted knee-length Dior laced dress and strapped heels of the same brand which looks more competent in my book.

I think I did well since the big guy was asking for me to do another show. Ji-A said the brand sold the most cars that day, so she wired additional money as a bonus. I have this feeling that today is going to be such an epic day.

"Waaaaah!" I blasted in amazement.

The house was indeed huge, even the gates which have a code-operated security system yells rich-ass people inside - I tapped my phone on the small screen then a special code was generated for me, it would only grant me access during Saturdays and Sundays around this specific time when I am scheduled to clean.

As soon as I was inside the house, the lavishness was even more mesmerizing. Black, gray, and white were the primary tones of the entire house with floor-to-ceiling windows and a luxurious but weird-looking chandelier - a luxurious house indeed.

I even got more curious with what's the owner of the house is like - judging by the sharp edges of the furniture and the masculinity of the interior, he must single probably a rich bachelor.

"This house looks so pristine, I wonder what am I here for." I whispered to myself while roaming my eyes around the living room to the kitchen that somehow appeared clean to me.

"You must be the cleaning staff?"

"Ah, gapjagi!" a deep croaked voice startled me prompting me to hold my chest and flinch.

"Omo! Did I startle you? I'm sorry."

"Oh - uh, no. I'm okay." I returned after seeing a tall man standing behind me, he has the brightest smile I have ever seen that even both his eyes wrinkled when he does it.

"You must be surprised to meet me here cause you thought this house will be empty for cleaning?" he chuckled boisterously, even clapping both his gigantic hands in the process while I let out an awkward cackle.

"By the way, I am the owner of the house - almost, kind of, ish. Lee Kwangsoo and you are?" he started in a kind and lively mood.

"Glad to meet you, Mr. Lee. I am Kang Sera." I introduced myself politely as it seems this Ajhussi is really the owner of the house - ish or whatever that means.

"I invited myself in, that was the given instruction from our head office. I wasn't expecting that the house will be occupied during the cleaning service so I was a bit surprised but - all good, Mr. Lee. I can work while you are here." I continued making him grin from ear to ear.

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